Version: 2021.3
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


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public void SetShaderPass(string passName);


passName The Shader Pass to use when executing ray tracing shaders.


Selects which Shader Pass to use when executing ray/geometry intersection shaders.

This name is specified in the ShaderLab shaders used by Materials applied to Renderers used in ray tracing. If a shader doesn't have a Shader Pass with the specified name, then no ray/geometry intersection code is executed. This method must be called before calling RayTracingShader.DispatchRays.

The Shader Pass code can include optional closesthit or anyhit shaders.

For procedural ray-traced geometries, an intersection shader must be authored. The engine code will automatically enable a keywork named RAY_TRACING_PROCEDURAL_GEOMETRY if the geometry is proceduraly ray-traced.

The following example shader code returns the color red.

        // RayTracingShader.SetShaderPass must use this name in order to execute the ray tracing shaders from this Pass.
        Name "Test"

// Add tags to identify the shaders to use for ray tracing. Tags{ "LightMode" = "RayTracing" }


#pragma multi_compile_local RAY_TRACING_PROCEDURAL_GEOMETRY

// Specify this shader is a raytracing shader. #pragma raytracing test

struct AttributeData { float2 barycentrics; };

struct RayPayload { float4 color; };

#if RAY_TRACING_PROCEDURAL_GEOMETRY [shader("intersection")] void IntersectionMain() { AttributeData attr; attr.barycentrics = float2(0, 0); ReportHit(0, 0, attr); } #endif

[shader("closesthit")] void ClosestHitMain(inout RayPayload payload : SV_RayPayload, AttributeData attribs : SV_IntersectionAttributes) { payload.color = float4(1, 0, 0, 1); }