Version: 2021.3
  • C#


struct in UnityEditor.Media

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Descriptor for video track format.

using UnityEditor.Media;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class Recorder { public VideoTrackEncoderAttributes CreateEncoderAttributes() { H264EncoderAttributes h264Attr = new H264EncoderAttributes { gopSize = 25, numConsecutiveBFrames = 2, profile = VideoEncodingProfile.H264High };

var videoAttr = new VideoTrackEncoderAttributes(h264Attr) { frameRate = new MediaRational(50), width = 320, height = 200, targetBitRate = 3000000 };

return videoAttr; } }


bitRateModeThe VideoBitrateMode for the encoded video.
frameRateThe frame rate for the encoded video, in frames per second, expressed as a fraction.
heightThe image height in pixels.
includeAlphaTrue if the track is to include the alpha channel found in the texture passed to AddFrame. False otherwise.
targetBitRateThe target bit rate for the encoder.
widthThe image width in pixels.


VideoTrackEncoderAttributesCreate a new VideoTrackEncoderAttributes with specific H.264 encoding options.