Parameter | Description |
pattern | The pattern that the method is searching for in the string. |
origin | The string the method is searching. |
outScore | If there is a match, this parameter contains the match score. The higher the match score, the closer the pattern matched a part of the given string. |
matches | List of indices in the string where the pattern was found. |
bool Returns true if a match was found.
Performs a fuzzy search for a pattern on a string.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Search; using UnityEngine; static class Example_FuzzySearch_FuzzyMatch { [MenuItem("Examples/FuzzySearch/FuzzyMatch")] public static void Run() { const string pattern = "exfsfm"; const string toBeSearched = nameof(Example_FuzzySearch_FuzzyMatch); long score = 0; if (FuzzySearch.FuzzyMatch(pattern, toBeSearched, ref score)) Debug.Assert(score == 309); // This allocated list can be reused for multiple calls to FuzzyMatch var matches = new List<int>(); if (FuzzySearch.FuzzyMatch(pattern, toBeSearched, ref score, matches)) { var formattedMatch = RichTextFormatter.FormatSuggestionTitle(toBeSearched, matches); Debug.Log($"Found fuzzy pattern <i>{pattern}</i> in {formattedMatch} with indices " + $"{string.Join(",", matches.Select(m => m.ToString()))} and got a score of <b>{score}</b>"); } } static class RichTextFormatter { static readonly char[] cache_result = new char[1024]; public static string HighlightColorTag = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? "<color=#FF6100>" : "<color=#EE4400>"; public static string HighlightColorTagSpecial = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? "<color=#FF6100>" : "<color=#BB1100>"; public static string FormatSuggestionTitle(string title, List<int> matches) { return FormatSuggestionTitle(title, matches, HighlightColorTag, HighlightColorTagSpecial); } public static string FormatSuggestionTitle(string title, List<int> matches, string selectedTextColorTag, string specialTextColorTag) { const string closingTag = "</color>"; int openCharCount = specialTextColorTag.Length; int closingCharCount = closingTag.Length; var N = title.Length + matches.Count * (closingCharCount + openCharCount); var MN = matches.Count; var result = cache_result; if (N > cache_result.Length) result = new char[N]; int t_i = 0; int t_j = 0; int t_k = 0; string tag = null; var needToClose = false; for (int guard = 0; guard < N; ++guard) { if (tag == null && needToClose == false && t_k < MN) { var indx = matches[t_k]; if (indx == t_i || indx == -t_i) { tag = (indx < 0) ? specialTextColorTag : selectedTextColorTag; ++t_k; } } if (tag != null) { result[guard] = tag[t_j++]; if (t_j >= tag.Length) { if (tag != closingTag) needToClose = true; tag = null; t_j = 0; } } else { result[guard] = title[Math.Min(t_i++, title.Length - 1)]; if (needToClose) { tag = closingTag; needToClose = false; } } } return new string(result, 0, N); } } }