Overlays are persistent and customizable panels and toolbars that are available within Editor Windows. Use Overlays to expose actions and tool options in a convenient and user-controllable way.
This is the base class that all overlays inherit from. To create an overlay, return a UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.
The simplest way to display an overlay is to use OverlayAttribute and register a target EditorWindow.
using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Overlays; using UnityEngine.UIElements;
// Specifying `OverlayAttribute.editorWindowType` tells the OverlayCanvas to always show this Overlay in the menu. [Overlay(typeof(SceneView), "Selection Count")] class SelectionCount : Overlay { Label m_Label;
public override VisualElement CreatePanelContent() { Selection.selectionChanged += () => { if (m_Label != null) m_Label.text = $"Selection Count {Selection.count}"; };
return m_Label = new Label($"Selection Count {Selection.count}"); } }
Overlays can be used in any EditorWindow that implements ISupportsOverlays. You can use OverlayCanvas.Add and OverlayCanvas.Remove to add and remove overlays from the Overlays menu.
using System; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Overlays; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public class OverlayWindowExample : EditorWindow, ISupportsOverlays { bool m_ShowOverlay; InstanceOverlay m_Overlay; // InstanceOverlay is not registered as a persistent Overlay, and must be instantiated through code. In contrast, // PersistentOverlay is registered with a target window type and will be available at any time. // All OverlayAttribute properties are optional. Here we specify that when this Overlay is added to a window for the // first time, it should be visible by default. If `defaultDisplay` is set to it's default value of false, the // Overlay will be available in the Overlay Menu when added to a window, but not visible. [Overlay(defaultDisplay = true)] class InstanceOverlay : Overlay { OverlayWindowExample m_Window; public InstanceOverlay(OverlayWindowExample win) => m_Window = win; public override VisualElement CreatePanelContent() => new Label() { text = $"Hello from {m_Window.name}!" }; }
// Persistent overlays are always available in the Overlay Menu. An Overlay is made persistent by assigning the // `editorWindowType` property in `OverlayAttribute`. [Overlay(typeof(OverlayWindowExample), "Persistent Overlay", defaultDisplay = true)] class PersistentOverlay : Overlay { public override VisualElement CreatePanelContent() => new Label() { text = "Hello, I'm always available!" }; }
[MenuItem("Window/Overlay Window")] static void Init() => GetWindow<OverlayWindowExample>();
void OnEnable() => m_Overlay = new InstanceOverlay(this);
void OnGUI() { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_ShowOverlay = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show Overlay", m_ShowOverlay); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (m_ShowOverlay) overlayCanvas.Add(m_Overlay); else overlayCanvas.Remove(m_Overlay); } } }
Overlays can be shown in the active SceneView through SceneView.AddOverlayToActiveView and SceneView.RemoveOverlayFromActiveView. This is useful for EditorTools that need to show UI.
using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.EditorTools; using UnityEditor.Overlays; using UnityEngine.UIElements;
// A simple tool that moves the selected transforms using an Overlay interface. [EditorTool("Offset", typeof(Transform))] public class OffsetTool : EditorTool { // By default, Overlays added to the canvas are not shown. Setting the `defaultDisplay` property ensures that the // first time this Overlay is added to a canvas it will be visible. [Overlay(defaultDisplay = true)] class OffsetToolOverlay : Overlay, ITransientOverlay { Transform[] selection;
public OffsetToolOverlay(Transform[] targets) => selection = targets;
public override VisualElement CreatePanelContent() { var root = new VisualElement(); root.Add(new Button(() => Move(Vector3.right)) { text = "Move Right" }); root.Add(new Button(() => Move(Vector3.up)) { text = "Move Up" }); root.Add(new Button(() => Move(Vector3.forward)) { text = "Move Forward" }); return root; }
void Move(Vector3 direction) { Undo.RecordObjects(selection, "Move Selection"); foreach (var transform in selection) transform.position += direction; }
// Use the visible property to hide or show this instance from within the class. public bool visible => true; }
OffsetToolOverlay m_Overlay;
public override void OnActivated() { SceneView.AddOverlayToActiveView(m_Overlay = new OffsetToolOverlay(targets.Select(x => x as Transform).ToArray())); }
public override void OnWillBeDeactivated() { SceneView.RemoveOverlayFromActiveView(m_Overlay); } }
To create an Overlay that is dockable in a toolbar, see ToolbarOverlay.
Property | Description |
ussClassName | USS class name of elements of this type. |
Property | Description |
collapsed | Defines whether the overlay is in collapsed form. |
collapsedIcon | Defines a custom icon to use when that overlay is in collapsed form. |
containerWindow | EditorWindow the overlay is contained within. |
displayed | Shows or hides the overlay. |
displayName | Name of overlay used as title. |
floating | Returns true if overlay is floating, returns false if overlay is docked in a corner or in a toolbar. |
floatingPosition | Local position of closest overlay corner to closest dockposition when floating. |
id | Overlay unique ID. |
isInToolbar | Returns true if overlay is docked in a toolbar. |
layout | Describes the presentation mode for an Overlay. |
maxSize | Maximum size of the Overlay. |
minSize | Minimum size of the Overlay. |
size | Size of the Overlay. |
Method | Description |
Close | Remove the Overlay from its OverlayCanvas. |
CreateContent | Create a new VisualElement containing the contents of this Overlay. |
CreatePanelContent | Implement this method to return your visual element content. |
OnCreated | OnCreated is invoked when an Overlay is instantiated in an Overlay Canvas. |
OnWillBeDestroyed | Called when an Overlay is about to be destroyed. |
Undock | If this Overlay is currently in a toolbar, it will be removed and return to a floating state. |
Event | Description |
collapsedChanged | Invoked when Overlay.collapsed value is changed. |
displayedChanged | This callback is invoked when the Overlay.displayed value has been changed. |
floatingChanged | Called when the value of floating has changed. |
floatingPositionChanged | This event is invoked when Overlay.floatingPosition is changed. |
layoutChanged | Subscribe to this event to be notified when the Overlay.Layout property is modified. |