Version: 2023.1
  • C#


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public static Analytics.AnalyticsResult Transaction(string productId, Decimal amount, string currency);


public static Analytics.AnalyticsResult Transaction(string productId, Decimal amount, string currency, string receiptPurchaseData, string signature);


public static Analytics.AnalyticsResult Transaction(string productId, Decimal amount, string currency, string receiptPurchaseData, string signature, bool usingIAPService);


productId The id of the purchased item.
amount The price of the item.
currency Abbreviation of the currency used for the transaction. For example “USD” (United States Dollars). See for a standardized list of currency abbreviations.
receiptPurchaseData Receipt data (iOS) / receipt ID (android) / for in-app purchases to verify purchases with Apple iTunes / Google Play. Use null in the absence of receipts.
signature Android receipt signature. If using native Android use the INAPP_DATA_SIGNATURE string containing the signature of the purchase data that was signed with the private key of the developer. The data signature uses the RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme. Pass in null in absence of a signature.
usingIAPService Set to true when using UnityIAP.


Tracking Monetization (optional).

Unity Analytics provides a flexible method for tracking monetization events through in-app purchases. This method should be called every time a player triggers a monetization event.

The Transaction method requires a price parameter, a currency and an optional Apple iTunes / Google Play receipt string.

using System;
using UnityEngine;

#if ENABLE_CLOUD_SERVICES_ANALYTICS using UnityEngine.Analytics;

public class GamePurchaseMonoBehaviour : MonoBehaviour { public void OnPurchase() { Analytics.Transaction("12345abcde", 0.99m, "USD", null, null); } } #endif