The following tables list all the USS built-in variables.
Group | Role/Control | Name | Description | Professional | Personal | Runtime |
metrics | ||||||
--unity-metrics-default-border_radius |
The default border radius for controls | 3px |
3px |
0px |
--unity-metrics-default-font_big_size |
The big font size | 14px |
14px |
15px |
--unity-metrics-default-font_normal_size |
The normal font size | 12px |
12px |
14px |
--unity-metrics-default-font_semi_small_size |
The semi small font size | 11px |
11px |
13px |
--unity-metrics-default-font_small_size |
The small font size | 10px |
10px |
12px |
--unity-metrics-default-font_tiny_size |
The tiny font size | 9px |
9px |
11px |
--unity-metrics-default-font_very_big_size |
The very big font size | 19px |
19px |
21px |
--unity-metrics-inspector_titlebar-height |
The height of a title bar in an InspectorA Unity window that displays information about the currently selected GameObject, asset or project settings, allowing you to inspect and edit the values. More info See in Glossary view |
22px |
22px |
Undefined | ||
--unity-metrics-single_line-height |
The usual height for a single-line Editor control, for example, a one-line text field. See EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight |
18px |
18px |
Undefined | ||
--unity-metrics-single_line_large-height |
The usual height for a large single-line Editor control, for example, an Inspector title bar label | 20px |
20px |
Undefined | ||
--unity-metrics-single_line_small-height |
The usual height for a small single-line Editor control, for example, a mini toggle or a mini text field | 16px |
16px |
Undefined | ||
--unity-metrics-toolbar-height |
The height of a toolbarA row of buttons and basic controls at the top of the Unity Editor that allows you to interact with the Editor in various ways (e.g. scaling, translation). More info See in Glossary control |
21px |
21px |
Undefined | ||
--unity-metrics-toolbar_button-height |
The height of a toolbar button control | 20px |
20px |
Undefined | ||
**** | ||||||
--current-font |
UIPackageResources/Fonts/Inter/Inter-Regular SDF.asset |
UIPackageResources/Fonts/Inter/Inter-Regular SDF.asset |
Undefined | |||
colors | ||||||
alternated_rows | ||||||
--unity-colors-alternated_rows-background |
The alternate background color for views with alternating row colors | #3F3F3F |
Undefined | ||
app_toolbar | ||||||
--unity-colors-app_toolbar-background |
The background color for the main toolbar | #191919 |
#8A8A8A |
Undefined | ||
app_toolbar_button | ||||||
--unity-colors-app_toolbar_button-background |
The background color for a button in the main toolbar | #383838 |
#C8C8C8 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-app_toolbar_button-background-checked |
The background color for a button in the main toolbar when it is checked | #6A6A6A |
#656565 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-app_toolbar_button-background-hover |
The background color for a button in the main toolbar when the mouse pointer hovers over them | #424242 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-app_toolbar_button-background-pressed |
The background color for a button in the main toolbar when it is pressed | #6A6A6A |
#656565 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-app_toolbar_button-border |
The border color for a button in the main toolbar | #191919 |
#6B6B6B |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-app_toolbar_button-border_accent |
The accent border color for a button in the main toolbar | #222222 |
#6B6B6B |
Undefined | ||
box | ||||||
--unity-colors-box-background |
The background color for a box control | rgba(40, 40, 40, 0.3019608) |
rgba(185, 185, 185, 0.9019608) |
--unity-colors-box-border |
The border color for a box control | transparent |
transparent |
#555555 |
button | ||||||
--unity-colors-button-background |
The background color for a button control | #585858 |
#E4E4E4 |
--unity-colors-button-background-disabled |
Undefined | Undefined | #959595 |
--unity-colors-button-background-focus |
The background color for a button control when it has focus | #6E6E6E |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-button-background-hover |
The background color for a button control when the mouse pointer hovers over it | #676767 |
#D1D1D1 |
--unity-colors-button-background-hover_pressed |
The background color for a button control when it is hoverd and pressed | #4F657F |
#B0D2FC |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-button-background-pressed |
The background color for a button control when it is pressed | #46607C |
#96C3FB |
#959595 |
--unity-colors-button-border |
The border color for a button control | #303030 |
#B2B2B2 |
#959595 |
--unity-colors-button-border_accent |
The border accent color for a button control | #242424 |
#939393 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-button-border_accent-focus |
The border accent color used for a button control when focused | #7BAEFA |
#018CFF |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-button-border-disabled |
Undefined | Undefined | #7E7E7E |
--unity-colors-button-border-focus |
Undefined | Undefined | #006AA6 |
--unity-colors-button-border-hover |
Undefined | Undefined | #808080 |
--unity-colors-button-border-pressed |
The border color for a button control when it is pressed | #0D0D0D |
#707070 |
#646464 |
--unity-colors-button-text |
The text color for a button control | #EEEEEE |
#090909 |
#1B1B1B |
--unity-colors-button-text-disabled |
Undefined | Undefined | #2D2D2D |
default | ||||||
--unity-colors-default-background |
The default background color for controls | #282828 |
#A5A5A5 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-default-border |
The default border color for controls | #232323 |
#999999 |
#959595 |
--unity-colors-default-text |
The default text color | #D2D2D2 |
#090909 |
#1B1B1B |
--unity-colors-default-text-hover |
The default text color when the mouse pointer hovers over the text | #BDBDBD |
#090909 |
Undefined | ||
dropdown | ||||||
--unity-colors-dropdown-background |
The background color for a dropdown control | #515151 |
--unity-colors-dropdown-background-hover |
The background color for a dropdown control when the mouse pointer hovers over it | #585858 |
#E4E4E4 |
#E8E8E8 |
--unity-colors-dropdown-border |
The border color for a dropdown control | #303030 |
#B2B2B2 |
#999999 |
--unity-colors-dropdown-border_accent |
The border accent color for a dropdown control | #242424 |
#939393 |
#939393 |
--unity-colors-dropdown-text |
The text color for a dropdown control | #E4E4E4 |
#090909 |
#1B1B1B |
error | ||||||
--unity-colors-error-text |
The text color for error messages | #D32222 |
#5A0000 |
Undefined | ||
headerbar | ||||||
--unity-colors-headerbar-background |
The background color for a header bar control | #3C3C3C |
headerbar_column | ||||||
--unity-colors-headerbar_column-background |
The background color used for a column control in a header bar | #3C3C3C |
--unity-colors-headerbar_column-background-hover |
The background color used for a button control when hovered over | #464646 |
#C1C1C1 |
#D1D1D1 |
--unity-colors-headerbar_column-background-pressed |
The background color used for a button control when pressed | #505050 |
#959595 |
helpbox | ||||||
--unity-colors-helpbox-background |
The background color for a helpbox control | rgba(96, 96, 96, 0.2039216) |
rgba(235, 235, 235, 0.2039216) |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-helpbox-border |
The border color for a helpbox control | #232323 |
#A9A9A9 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-helpbox-text |
The text color for a helpbox control | #BDBDBD |
#161616 |
Undefined | ||
highlight | ||||||
--unity-colors-highlight-background |
The background color for selected items or selected text | #2C5D87 |
#3A72B0 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-highlight-background-hover |
The background color for items when the mouse pointer hovers over them | rgba(256, 256, 256, 0.0627451) |
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0627451) |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-highlight-background-hover-lighter |
#5F5F5F |
#9A9A9A |
Undefined | |||
--unity-colors-highlight-background-inactive |
The background color for selected items or selected text when the control does not have focus | #4D4D4D |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-highlight-text |
The text color for selected items or selected text | #4C7EFF |
#0032E6 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-highlight-text-inactive |
The text color for selected items or selected text when the control does not have focus | #FFFFFF |
Undefined | ||
input_field | ||||||
--unity-colors-input_field-background |
The background color for an input field control | #2A2A2A |
#F0F0F0 |
#F0F0F0 |
--unity-colors-input_field-background-disabled |
Undefined | Undefined | #D1D1D1 |
--unity-colors-input_field-border |
The border color for an input field control | #212121 |
#B7B7B7 |
#646464 |
--unity-colors-input_field-border_accent |
The border accent color for an input field control | #0D0D0D |
#A0A0A0 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-input_field-border-focus |
The border color for an input field control when it has focus | #3A79BB |
#1D5087 |
#006AA6 |
--unity-colors-input_field-border-hover |
The border color for an input field control when the mouse pointer hovers over it | #656565 |
#6C6C6C |
#323232 |
--unity-colors-input_field-text-disabled |
Undefined | Undefined | #585858 |
inspector_titlebar | ||||||
--unity-colors-inspector_titlebar-background |
The background color for a title bar in an Inspector view | #3E3E3E |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-inspector_titlebar-background-hover |
The background color for a title bar in an Inspector view when the mouse pointer hovers over it | #474747 |
#D6D6D6 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-inspector_titlebar-border |
The border color for a title bar in an Inspector view | #1A1A1A |
#7F7F7F |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-inspector_titlebar-border_accent |
The border accent color for a title bar in an Inspector view | #303030 |
Undefined | ||
label | ||||||
--unity-colors-label-text |
The text color for a label control | #C4C4C4 |
#090909 |
#1B1B1B |
--unity-colors-label-text-disabled |
Undefined | Undefined | #585858 |
--unity-colors-label-text-focus |
The text color for a label when it has focus | #81B4FF |
#003C88 |
#00526A |
link | ||||||
--unity-colors-link-text |
The text color for unvisited links | #4C7EFF |
#4C7EFF |
Undefined | ||
minmax_slider_thumb | ||||||
--unity-colors-minmax_slider_thumb-background |
Undefined | Undefined | #BCBCBC |
object_field | ||||||
--unity-colors-object_field-background |
The background color for an object field control | #282828 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-object_field-border |
The border color for an object field control | #202020 |
#B0B0B0 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-object_field-border-focus |
The border color for an object field control when it has focus | #3A79BB |
#1D5087 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-object_field-border-hover |
The border color for an object field control when the mouse pointer hovers over it | #656565 |
#6C6C6C |
Undefined | ||
object_field_button | ||||||
--unity-colors-object_field_button-background |
The background color for the button in an object field control | #373737 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-object_field_button-background-hover |
The background color for the button in an object field control when the mouse pointer hovers over it | #4C4C4C |
Undefined | ||
play_mode | ||||||
--unity-colors-play_mode-background |
The color used to tint the UI(User Interface) Allows a user to interact with your application. Unity currently supports three UI systems. More info See in Glossary in Play Mode |
#606060 |
Undefined | ||
popup | ||||||
--unity-colors-popup-background |
The background color for a popup window | #313131 |
#C1C1C1 |
Undefined | ||
preview | ||||||
--unity-colors-preview-background |
The background color for a preview control | #313131 |
#C1C1C1 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-preview-border |
The border color for a preview control | #232323 |
#999999 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-preview-text |
The text color for a preview control | #BDBDBD |
#090909 |
Undefined | ||
preview_overlay | ||||||
--unity-colors-preview_overlay-text |
The text color for a preview control overlay | #DEDEDE |
Undefined | ||
progress | ||||||
--unity-colors-progress-background |
#303030 |
#606060 |
Undefined | |||
progress_bar | ||||||
--unity-colors-progress_bar-background |
Undefined | Undefined | #BCBCBC |
--unity-colors-progress_bar-border |
Undefined | Undefined | #808080 |
--unity-colors-progress_bar-text |
Undefined | Undefined | #1B1B1B |
progress_bar_progress | ||||||
--unity-colors-progress_bar_progress-background |
Undefined | Undefined | #E7E7E7 |
scrollbar_button | ||||||
--unity-colors-scrollbar_button-background |
The background color for a scrollbar’s scroll buttons | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05098039) |
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05098039) |
#F0F0F0 |
--unity-colors-scrollbar_button-background-hover |
The background color for a scrollbar’s scroll buttons when the mouse pointer hovers over them | #494949 |
#A7A7A7 |
#E7E7E7 |
--unity-colors-scrollbar_button-border |
Undefined | Undefined | #959595 |
--unity-colors-scrollbar_button-border-focus |
Undefined | Undefined | #006AA6 |
--unity-colors-scrollbar_button-border-hover |
Undefined | Undefined | #959595 |
scrollbar_groove | ||||||
--unity-colors-scrollbar_groove-background |
The background color for a scrollbar’s groove (background) | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05098039) |
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05098039) |
--unity-colors-scrollbar_groove-border |
The border color for a scrollbar’s groove | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1019608) |
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1019608) |
#959595 |
scrollbar_thumb | ||||||
--unity-colors-scrollbar_thumb-background |
The background color for a scrollbar’s thumb/handle | #5F5F5F |
#9A9A9A |
#E7E7E7 |
--unity-colors-scrollbar_thumb-background-hover |
The background color for a scrollbar’s thumb/handle when the mouse pointer hovers over it | #686868 |
#8E8E8E |
#F0F0F0 |
--unity-colors-scrollbar_thumb-background-pressed |
Undefined | Undefined | #F0F0F0 |
--unity-colors-scrollbar_thumb-border |
The border color for a scrollbar’s thumb/handle | #323232 |
#B9B9B9 |
transparent |
--unity-colors-scrollbar_thumb-border-focus |
Undefined | Undefined | #00516A |
--unity-colors-scrollbar_thumb-border-hover |
The border color for a scrollbar’s thumb/handle when the mouse pointer hovers over it | #686868 |
#8E8E8E |
transparent |
--unity-colors-scrollbar_thumb-border-pressed |
Undefined | Undefined | transparent |
slider_groove | ||||||
--unity-colors-slider_groove-background |
The background color for a slider’s groove (background) | #5E5E5E |
#8F8F8F |
#7E7E7E |
--unity-colors-slider_groove-background-disabled |
The background color for a slider’s groove when it is disabled | #575757 |
#A4A4A4 |
#7E7E7E |
--unity-colors-slider_groove-background-focus |
Undefined | Undefined | #7E7E7E |
--unity-colors-slider_groove-background-hover |
Undefined | Undefined | #7E7E7E |
--unity-colors-slider_groove-border |
Undefined | Undefined | #646464 |
slider_thumb | ||||||
--unity-colors-slider_thumb-background |
The background color for a slider’s thumb/handle | #999999 |
#616161 |
#F0F0F0 |
--unity-colors-slider_thumb-background-disabled |
The background color for a slider’s thumb/handle when it is disabled | #666666 |
#9B9B9B |
#808080 |
--unity-colors-slider_thumb-background-focus |
Undefined | Undefined | #F0F0F0 |
--unity-colors-slider_thumb-background-hover |
The background color for a slider’s thumb/handle when the mouse pointer hovers over it | #EAEAEA |
#4F4F4F |
#F0F0F0 |
--unity-colors-slider_thumb-border |
The border color for a slider’s thumb | #999999 |
#616161 |
#646464 |
--unity-colors-slider_thumb-border-disabled |
The border color for a slider’s thumb when it is disabled | #666666 |
#666666 |
#7E7E7E |
--unity-colors-slider_thumb-border-focus |
Undefined | Undefined | #006AA6 |
--unity-colors-slider_thumb-border-hover |
Undefined | Undefined | #323232 |
slider_thumb_halo | ||||||
--unity-colors-slider_thumb_halo-background |
The background color for a slider’s thumb halo | rgba(16, 111, 205, 0.5019608) |
rgba(12, 108, 203, 0.5019608) |
rgba(12, 108, 203, 0.5019608) |
tab | ||||||
--unity-colors-tab-background |
The background color for an Editor window tab | #353535 |
#B6B6B6 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-tab-background-checked |
The background color for an Editor window tab when it is selected | #3C3C3C |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-tab-background-hover |
The background color for an Editor window tab when the mouse pointer hovers over it | #303030 |
#B0B0B0 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-tab-text |
The text color for an Editor window tab | #BDBDBD |
#090909 |
Undefined | ||
toggle | ||||||
--unity-colors-toggle-text-disabled |
Undefined | Undefined | #585858 |
toggle_checkmark | ||||||
--unity-colors-toggle_checkmark-background |
Undefined | Undefined | #F0F0F0 |
--unity-colors-toggle_checkmark-background-disabled |
Undefined | Undefined | #959595 |
--unity-colors-toggle_checkmark-border |
Undefined | Undefined | #646464 |
--unity-colors-toggle_checkmark-border-disabled |
Undefined | Undefined | #7E7E7E |
--unity-colors-toggle_checkmark-border-focus |
Undefined | Undefined | #006AA6 |
--unity-colors-toggle_checkmark-border-hover |
Undefined | Undefined | #323232 |
--unity-colors-toggle_checkmark-border-pressed |
Undefined | Undefined | #323232 |
toolbar | ||||||
--unity-colors-toolbar-background |
The background color for a toolbar control | #3C3C3C |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-toolbar-border |
The border color for a toolbar control | #232323 |
#999999 |
Undefined | ||
toolbar_button | ||||||
--unity-colors-toolbar_button-background |
The background color for a toolbar button control | #3C3C3C |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-toolbar_button-background-checked |
The background color for a toolbar button control when it is checked | #505050 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-toolbar_button-background-focus |
The background color for a toolbar button control when it has focus | #464646 |
#C1C1C1 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-toolbar_button-background-hover |
The background color for a toolbar button control when the mouse pointer hovers over it | #464646 |
#C1C1C1 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-toolbar_button-border |
The border color for a toolbar button control | #232323 |
#999999 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-toolbar_button-text |
The text color for a toolbar button control | #C4C4C4 |
#090909 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-toolbar_button-text-checked |
The text color for a toolbar button control when it is checked | #C4C4C4 |
#090909 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-toolbar_button-text-hover |
The text color for a toolbar button control | #BDBDBD |
#090909 |
Undefined | ||
tooltip | ||||||
--unity-colors-tooltip-background |
#373737 |
Undefined | |||
--unity-colors-tooltip-border |
#191919 |
#8A8A8A |
Undefined | |||
visited_link | ||||||
--unity-colors-visited_link-text |
The text color for visited links | #FF00FF |
#AA00AA |
Undefined | ||
warning | ||||||
--unity-colors-warning-text |
The text color for warning messages | #F4BC02 |
#333308 |
Undefined | ||
window | ||||||
--unity-colors-window-background |
The background color for a window | #383838 |
#C8C8C8 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-window-border |
The border color for a window | #242424 |
#939393 |
Undefined | ||
--unity-colors-window-text |
The text color for a window | #BDBDBD |
#090909 |
#1B1B1B |
font | ||||||
--unity-font-button-padding-bottom |
1px |
1px |
Undefined | |||
--unity-font-button-padding-top |
1px |
1px |
Undefined | |||
--unity-font-popup-padding-bottom |
1px |
1px |
Undefined | |||
--unity-font-popup-padding-top |
0 |
0 |
Undefined | |||
--unity-font-standard-padding-bottom |
0 |
0 |
Undefined | |||
--unity-font-standard-padding-bottom-with-border |
0 |
0 |
Undefined | |||
icons | ||||||
--unity-icons-arrow_left |
Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/ArrowNavigationLeft.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/ArrowNavigationLeft.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-arrow_right |
Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/ArrowNavigationRight.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/ArrowNavigationRight.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-clear |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_clear.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/clear.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-color_picker |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_color_picker.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/color_picker.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-console_entry_error |
Icons/d_console.erroricon.png |
Icons/console.erroricon.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-console_entry_error_small |
Icons/d_console.erroricon.sml.png |
Icons/console.erroricon.sml.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-console_entry_info |
Icons/d_console.infoicon.png |
Icons/console.infoicon.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-console_entry_info_small |
Icons/d_console.infoicon.sml.png |
Icons/console.infoicon.sml.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-console_entry_warn |
Icons/d_console.warnicon.png |
Icons/console.warnicon.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-console_entry_warn_small |
Icons/d_console.warnicon.sml.png |
Icons/console.warnicon.sml.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-dropdown |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_dropdown.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/dropdown.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-dropdown_toggle |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_dropdown_toggle.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/dropdown_toggle.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-foldout |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_IN_foldout.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/IN_foldout.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-foldout-checked |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_IN_foldout_on.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/IN_foldout_on.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-foldout-checked_focus |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_IN_foldout_focus_on.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/IN_foldout_focus_on.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-foldout-checked_pressed |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_IN_foldout_act_on.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/IN_foldout_act_on.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-foldout-focus |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_IN_foldout_focus.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/IN_foldout_focus.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-foldout-pressed |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_IN_foldout_act.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/IN_foldout_act.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-link |
Icons/d_UnLinked.png |
Icons/UnLinked.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-link-checked |
Icons/d_Linked.png |
Icons/Linked.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-lock |
Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/IN LockButton.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/IN LockButton.png |
Undefined | |||
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Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/IN LockButton on.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/IN LockButton on.png |
Undefined | |||
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Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/IN LockButton on act.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/IN LockButton on act.png |
Undefined | |||
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Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/IN LockButton act.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/IN LockButton act.png |
Undefined | |||
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UIPackageResources/Images/d_ol_minus.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/ol_minus.png |
Undefined | |||
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UIPackageResources/Images/d_ol_minus_act.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/ol_minus_act.png |
Undefined | |||
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Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/pane options.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/pane options.png |
Undefined | |||
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UIPackageResources/Images/d_pick.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/pick.png |
Undefined | |||
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UIPackageResources/Images/d_ol_plus.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/ol_plus.png |
Undefined | |||
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UIPackageResources/Images/d_ol_plus_act.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/ol_plus_act.png |
Undefined | |||
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Profiler/d_ProfilerTimelineDigDownArrow.png |
Profiler/ProfilerTimelineDigDownArrow.png |
Undefined | |||
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Profiler/d_ProfilerTimelineRollUpArrow.png |
Profiler/ProfilerTimelineRollUpArrow.png |
Undefined | |||
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UIPackageResources/Images/d_dropdown.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/dropdown.png |
Undefined | |||
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UIPackageResources/Images/d_scrolldown.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/scrolldown.png |
Undefined | |||
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UIPackageResources/Images/d_scrollleft.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/scrollleft.png |
Undefined | |||
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UIPackageResources/Images/d_scrollright.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/scrollright.png |
Undefined | |||
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UIPackageResources/Images/d_scrollup.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/scrollup.png |
Undefined | |||
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UIPackageResources/Images/d_search_icon.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/search_icon.png |
Undefined | |||
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UIPackageResources/Images/d_search_menu.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/search_menu.png |
Undefined | |||
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Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleNormalOn.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleNormalOn.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-shuriken_toggle-checked_focus |
Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleFocusedOn.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleFocusedOn.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-shuriken_toggle-checked_hover |
Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleHoverOn.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleHoverOn.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-shuriken_toggle_bg |
Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleNormal.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleNormal.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-shuriken_toggle_bg-focus |
Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleFocused.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleFocused.png |
Undefined | |||
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Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleFocusedMixed.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleFocusedMixed.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-shuriken_toggle_bg-hover |
Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleHover.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleHover.png |
Undefined | |||
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Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleHoverMixed.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleHoverMixed.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-shuriken_toggle_bg-mixed |
Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleNormalMixed.png |
Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images/ShurikenToggleNormalMixed.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-toggle-checked |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_toggle_on.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/toggle_on.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-toggle-checked_focus |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_toggle_on_focus.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/toggle_on_focus.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-toggle-checked_hover |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_toggle_on_hover.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/toggle_on_hover.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-toggle-focus_mixed |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_toggle_on_focus.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/toggle_on_focus.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-toggle-hover_mixed |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_toggle_on_hover.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/toggle_on_hover.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-toggle-mixed |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_toggle_on.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/toggle_on.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-toggle_bg |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_toggle_bg.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/toggle_bg.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-toggle_bg-focus |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_toggle_bg_focus.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/toggle_bg_focus.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-toggle_bg-focus_mixed |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_toggle_mixed_bg_focus.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/toggle_mixed_bg_focus.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-toggle_bg-hover |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_toggle_bg_hover.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/toggle_bg_hover.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-toggle_bg-hover_mixed |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_toggle_mixed_bg_hover.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/toggle_mixed_bg_hover.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-toggle_bg-mixed |
UIPackageResources/Images/d_toggle_mixed_bg.png |
UIPackageResources/Images/toggle_mixed_bg.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-window_button_close |
Icons/d_winbtn_win_close.png |
Icons/winbtn_win_close.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-window_button_max |
Icons/d_winbtn_win_max.png |
Icons/winbtn_win_max.png |
Undefined | |||
--unity-icons-window_button_restore |
Icons/d_winbtn_win_restore.png |
Icons/winbtn_win_restore.png |
Undefined |
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