The EditorWindow currently under the mouse cursor. (Read Only)
can be null if there is no window under the cursor.
Additional resources: focusedWindow.
Move the mouse over other Unity windows to automatically focus them.
// The window appears in front of the Editor. // The window shows the type of a Unity object the cursor is over. using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine.UIElements; public class MouseOverWindowExample : EditorWindow { [MenuItem("Examples/Mouse Over Example")] static void Init() { GetWindow<MouseOverWindowExample>("mouseOver"); } Label m_Label; void CreateGUI() { m_Label = new Label(); rootVisualElement.Add(m_Label); } void Update() { EditorWindow window = EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow; if (window != null) Debug.Log(window.ToString()); string windowName = window != null ? window.ToString() : "(none)"; m_Label.text = $"Mouse over: {windowName}"; } }