The rotations of the four IK goals: left foot, right foot, left hand and right hand in character space.
Use in conjunction with HumanPose.bodyRotation to calculate the global rotation of Avatar IK effectors. See code example for details.
using System; using UnityEngine; [RequireComponent(typeof(Animator))] [ExecuteInEditMode] public class HumanPoseHandlerEffectorDisplay : MonoBehaviour { private Animator m_Animator; private HumanPoseHandler m_HumanPoseHandler; private HumanPose m_HumanPose; void OnEnable() { m_Animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); m_HumanPoseHandler = new HumanPoseHandler(m_Animator.avatar, m_Animator.avatarRoot); m_HumanPose = new HumanPose(); } private void OnDrawGizmos() { //Acquire the human pose from the current position of the transforms m_HumanPoseHandler.GetHumanPose(ref m_HumanPose); //backup the gizmos static color. var color = Gizmos.color; Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { //Acquire the local position and rotation of the effectors var localPosition = m_HumanPose.ikGoalPositions[i]; var localRotation = m_HumanPose.ikGoalRotations[i]; //Calculate the global position of the effector by rotating by the body rotation, then adding the body position var globalPosition = m_HumanPose.bodyRotation * localPosition + m_HumanPose.bodyPosition; //Multiply the position by the human scale to convert the normalized position into the global position globalPosition *= m_Animator.humanScale; //Calculate the global rotation var globalRotation = m_HumanPose.bodyRotation * localRotation; //Backup the static gizmos matrix var backup = Gizmos.matrix; //Set the matrix to rotate the sphere to align with the effector Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity * Matrix4x4.Translate(globalPosition) * Matrix4x4.Rotate(globalRotation) * Matrix4x4.Translate(-globalPosition); Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawLine(globalPosition, globalPosition + Vector3.right * 0.2f); Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawLine(globalPosition, globalPosition + Vector3.up * 0.2f); Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawLine(globalPosition, globalPosition + Vector3.forward * 0.2f); //Draw the sphere Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(globalPosition, 0.05f); //Restore the static gizmos matrix Gizmos.matrix = backup; } //Restore the gizmos static color Gizmos.color = color; } }