Version: Unity 6 (6000.0)
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public void DispatchRays(Rendering.RayTracingShader rayTracingShader, string rayGenName, uint width, uint height, uint depth, Camera camera);


public void DispatchRays(Rendering.RayTracingShader rayTracingShader, string rayGenName, GraphicsBuffer argsBuffer, uint argsOffset, Camera camera);


rayTracingShader RayTracingShader to execute.
rayGenName The name of the ray generation shader.
width The width of the ray generation shader thread grid.
height The height of the ray generation shader thread grid.
depth The depth of the ray generation shader thread grid.
camera Optional parameter used to setup camera-related built-in shader variables.
argsBuffer Buffer containing dispatch dimensions for indirect DispatchRays.
argsOffset The byte offset into argsBuffer where the dispatch dimensions start.


Adds a command to execute a RayTracingShader.

When the command buffer executes, the GPU launches the threads of the ray generation shader you specify as an argument for this method.

Retrieve the width, height, and depth values with the HLSL DispatchRaysDimensions() function. Retrieve the ray generation shader invocation index values with the HLSL DispatchRaysIndex() function.

Width, height and depth must be above zero and width*height*depth <= 2^30. When using the argsBuffer and argsOffset arguments for an indirect CommandBuffer.DispatchRays call, the buffer with arguments, argsBuffer, has to contain three integer numbers at given argsOffset values representing the dispatch dimensions: width, height and depth.

When an optional Camera is specified as parameter, the built-in shader variables related to the Camera, Screen and Time are set up. Check Built-in shader variables for a complete list of these variables.

A RayTracingShader only supports the following shader types: ray generation, miss and callable.

You can use the following pragma directives in a raytrace file:

  • #pragma max_recursion_depth <value> - how many times you can recursively call TraceRay in HLSL. A value of 1 means you can call TraceRay from ray generation shaders only. Exceeding the declared recursion depth will cause undefined behavior, including GPU crashes.
  • #pragma enable_ray_tracing_shader_debug_symbols - embeds Program Database (PBD) files into shader binaries to make shader debugging available in debugging tools like PIX.
  • #pragma only_renderers <values> - compile this shader program only for given graphics APIs. For a list of values, see Targeting graphics APIs and platforms in HLSL.
  • #pragma exclude_renderers <values> - do not compile this shader program for given graphics APIs. For a list of values, see Targeting graphics APIs and platforms in HLSL.
  • #pragma require <values> - the minimum GPU features with which this shader is compatible. Replace <value> with one of the values: native16bit, int64, int64bufferatomics.
  • #pragma disable_ray_payload_size_checks - disables ray payload size compatibility checks between different ray tracing shader types. Use this carefully, because removing the check can cause corrupt ray payload data when mixing incompatible ray tracing shaders using different ray payloads.
#include "UnityShaderVariables.cginc"

#pragma max_recursion_depth 1

// Input RaytracingAccelerationStructure g_SceneAccelStruct; float g_Zoom; //Mathf.Tan(Mathf.Deg2Rad * Camera.main.fieldOfView * 0.5f)

// Output RWTexture2D<float4> g_Output;

struct RayPayload { float4 color; };

[shader("miss")] void MainMissShader(inout RayPayload payload : SV_RayPayload) { payload.color = float4(0, 0, 0, 1); }

[shader("raygeneration")] void MainRayGenShader() { uint2 launchIndex = DispatchRaysIndex().xy; uint2 launchDim = DispatchRaysDimensions().xy;

float2 frameCoord = float2(launchIndex.x, launchDim.y - launchIndex.y - 1) + float2(0.5, 0.5);

float2 ndcCoords = frameCoord / float2(launchDim.x - 1, launchDim.y - 1);

ndcCoords = ndcCoords * 2 - float2(1, 1); ndcCoords = ndcCoords * g_Zoom;

float aspectRatio = (float)launchDim.x / (float)launchDim.y;

float3 viewDirection = normalize(float3(ndcCoords.x * aspectRatio, ndcCoords.y, 1));

// Rotate the ray from view space to world space. float3 rayDirection = normalize(mul((float3x3)unity_CameraToWorld, viewDirection));

RayDesc ray; ray.Origin = _WorldSpaceCameraPos; ray.Direction = rayDirection; ray.TMin = 0.0f; ray.TMax = 1000.0f;

RayPayload payload; payload.color = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

uint missShaderIndex = 0; TraceRay(g_SceneAccelStruct, 0, 0xFF, 0, 1, missShaderIndex, ray, payload);

g_Output[frameCoord] = payload.color; }

In this ray generation shader example, you calculate a ray direction based on the 2D thread index returned by the DispatchRaysIndex() function. The output is white if there is a ray/triangle intersection. When there is no intersection, the GPU executes MainMissShader and the output is black. This example uses the unity_CameraToWorld built-in shader variable. You must specify a Camera as an argument for the DispatchRays function to set this value correctly.

Additional resources: SystemInfo.supportsRayTracingShaders, RayTracingAccelerationStructure, RayTracingShader.DispatchIndirect.