Derive from this base class to provide alternative implementations to the C# behavior of specific Resources methods.
The example provided logs the time taken to handle slower Resources APIs to the player or editor log.
using System; using System.Diagnostics; using UnityEngine; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
public class ResourcesPerformanceLogger : ResourcesAPI { [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod] static void OnRuntimeMethodLoad() { ResourcesAPI.overrideAPI = new ResourcesPerformanceLogger(); }
protected override Object[] FindObjectsOfTypeAll(Type systemTypeInstance) { Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); Object[] results = base.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(systemTypeInstance); timer.Stop(); Debug.Log($"FindObjectsOfTypeAll({systemTypeInstance}) Time: {timer.Elapsed}"); return results; }
protected override Shader FindShaderByName(string name) { Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); Shader result = base.FindShaderByName(name); timer.Stop(); Debug.Log($"FindShaderByName({name}) Time: {timer.Elapsed}"); return result; }
protected override Object[] LoadAll(string path, Type systemTypeInstance) { Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); Object[] results = base.LoadAll(path, systemTypeInstance); timer.Stop(); Debug.Log($"LoadAll({path}, {systemTypeInstance}) Time: {timer.Elapsed}"); return results; } }
Property | Description |
overrideAPI | The specific ResourcesAPI instance to use to handle overridden Resources methods. |
Method | Description |
FindObjectsOfTypeAll | Override for customizing the behavior of the Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll function. |
FindShaderByName | Override for customizing the behavior of the Shader.Find function. |
Load | Override for customizing the behavior of the Resources.Load function. |
LoadAll | Override for customizing the behavior of the Resources.LoadAll function. |
LoadAsync | Override for customizing the behavior of the Resources.LoadAsync function. |
UnloadAsset | Override for customizing the behavior of the Resources.Unload function. |