Version: 2017.1
public static string[] FindAssets (string filter);
public static string[] FindAssets (string filter, string[] searchInFolders);


filter 筛选器字符串可包含搜索数据。请参阅下文了解有关该字符串的 详细信息。
searchInFolders 要从中开始搜索的文件夹。


string[] 匹配资源的数组。请注意将返回 GUID。



FindAssets 允许您搜索资源。string 参数可 提供名称、标签或类型(类名称)。筛选器字符串可包含:\ \ 名称:按照文件名(不带扩展名)筛选资源。由空格分隔的文字 被视为独立的名称搜索。因此,例如 "test asset" 是将要 搜索的资源的名称。请注意,name: 可用来标识资源。此外,可将 筛选器 string 中使用的名称指定为细分部分。例如,上述的 test asset 示例 可使用 test 进行匹配。\ \ 标签:资源可与标签关联。在每个标签前面使用关键字“l:” 可查找带有特定标签的资源。这表明字符串正在 搜索标签。\ \ 类型:基于显式标识的类型查找资源。关键字“t:”可用于 指定正在查找的资源类型。如果筛选器 string 包含 多个类型,那么将返回与一个类匹配的资源。类型 可以是 Texture2D 等内置类型,也可以是用户创建的脚本类。用户创建的 类是从项目中的 ScriptableObject 类中创建的资源。如果需要所有资源, 请在所有资源都派生自对象时使用 Object。使用 searchInFolders 参数 指定一个或多个文件夹时,会将搜索限定到这些文件夹及其 子文件夹。这要比在所有文件夹中搜索所有资源快。\ \ 注意:搜索不区分大小写。\ \ 使用 AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath 获取资源路径,并使用 AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath 加载资源。

static function FindAssetsUsingSearchFilter ()
    // Find all assets labelled with 'concrete' :
    var guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets ("l:concrete", null);
    for (var guid in guids)
        Debug.Log (AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid));

// Find all Texture2Ds that have 'co' in their filename, that are labelled with 'concrete' or 'architecture' and are placed in 'MyAwesomeProps' folder var guids2 = AssetDatabase.FindAssets ("co l:concrete l:architecture t:texture2D", ["Assets/MyAwesomeProps"]); for (var guid in guids2) Debug.Log (AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid)); }

以下脚本示例显示了如何定位添加到资源的名称、 标签和类型细节。演示了 FindAssets 函数。 该示例中创建的资源使用的是 ScriptObj 类。 该类的脚本示例如下所示。

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class Example { static ScriptObj testI; static ScriptObj testJ; static ScriptObj testK;

[MenuItem("Example/FindAssets Example")] static void ExampleScript() { CreateAssets(); NamesExample(); LabelsExample(); TypesExample(); }

static void CreateAssets() { testI = (ScriptObj)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(ScriptObj)); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(testI, "Assets/AssetFolder/testI.asset");

testJ = (ScriptObj)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(ScriptObj)); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(testJ, "Assets/AssetFolder/testJ.asset");

// create an asset in a sub-folder and with a name which contains a space testK = (ScriptObj)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(ScriptObj)); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(testK, "Assets/AssetFolder/SpecialFolder/testK example.asset");

// an asset with a material will be used later Material material = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(material, "Assets/AssetFolder/SpecialFolder/MyMaterial.mat"); }

static void NamesExample() { Debug.Log("*** FINDING ASSETS BY NAME ***");

string[] results;

results = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("testI"); foreach (string guid in results) { Debug.Log("testI: " + AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid)); }

results = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("testJ"); foreach (string guid in results) { Debug.Log("testJ: " + AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid)); }

results = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("testK example"); foreach (string guid in results) { Debug.Log("testK example: " + AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid)); }

Debug.Log("*** More complex asset search ***");

// find all assets that contain test (which is all assets) results = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("test"); foreach (string guid in results) { Debug.Log("name:test - " + AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid)); } }

static void LabelsExample() { Debug.Log("*** FINDING ASSETS BY LABELS ***");

string[] setLabels;

setLabels = new string[] {"wrapper"}; AssetDatabase.SetLabels(testI, setLabels);

setLabels = new string[] {"bottle", "banana", "carrot"}; AssetDatabase.SetLabels(testJ, setLabels);

setLabels = new string[] {"swappable", "helmet"}; AssetDatabase.SetLabels(testK, setLabels);

// label searching: // testI has wrapper, testK has swappable, so both have 'app' // testJ has bottle, so have a label searched as 'bot' string[] getGuids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("l:app l:bot"); foreach (string guid in getGuids) { Debug.Log("label lookup: " + AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid)); } }

static void TypesExample() { Debug.Log("*** FINDING ASSETS BY TYPE ***");

string[] guids;

// search for a ScriptObject called ScriptObj guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:ScriptObj"); foreach (string guid in guids) { Debug.Log("ScriptObj: " + AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid)); }

guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:ScriptObj l:helmet"); foreach (string guid in guids) { Debug.Log("ScriptObj+bottle: " + AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid)); } } }

The following script is a simple class based on ScriptableObject. It is used by the script example above which needs a user provided class.

using UnityEngine;

public class ScriptObj : ScriptableObject { float[] f;

public void Awake() { int count = Random.Range(1000, 10000); f = new float[count];

for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { f[i] = Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f); } } }