public static bool SetActiveScene (SceneManagement.Scene scene);




bool 如果场景尚未加载,则返回 false。



The active Scene is the Scene which will be used as the target for new GameObjects instantiated by scripts. When you add a Scene additively (see LoadSceneMode.Additive), the first Scene is still kept as the active Scene. Use this to switch the active Scene to the Scene you want as the target.

// Attach this script to a GameObject
// Create 2 Buttons (Create>UI>Button)
// Attach the 2 Buttons to your GameObject’s Inspector

// This script allows you to load a second Scene as an Additive Scene. Click the first Button (Load Scene Button) to load the Additive Scene. Even though the second Scene loads, the first Scene remains the active Scene. // If you press the second Button (Set Active Button), it sets the second Scene as the active Scene (and outputs the current active Scene to the console)

using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { bool m_SceneLoaded; public Button m_LoadSceneButton, m_SetActiveButton;

void Awake() { // Outputs the current active Scene to the console Debug.Log("Active Scene : " + SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name);

// Check that this Button exists if (m_LoadSceneButton != null) { // Fetch the Button from the Inspector. Make sure to set this in the Inspector window Button loadButton = m_LoadSceneButton.GetComponent<Button>(); // Call the LoadScene2Button() function when this Button is clicked loadButton.onClick.AddListener(LoadSceneButton); }

if (m_SetActiveButton != null) { Button buttonTwo = m_SetActiveButton.GetComponent<Button>(); buttonTwo.onClick.AddListener(SetActiveSceneButton); } }

// Load the Scene when this Button is pressed void LoadSceneButton() { // Check that the second Scene hasn't been added yet if (m_SceneLoaded == false) { // Loads the second Scene SceneManager.LoadScene("Scene2", LoadSceneMode.Additive); // Ouputs the name of the current active scene. // Notice it still outputs the name of the first Scene Debug.Log("Active Scene : " + SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name); // The Scene has been loaded, exit this method m_SceneLoaded = true; } }

// Change the newly loaded Scene to be the active Scene if it is loaded void SetActiveSceneButton() { // Allow this other Button to be pressed when the other Button has been pressed (Scene 2 is loaded) if (m_SceneLoaded == true) { // Set Scene2 as the active Scene SceneManager.SetActiveScene(SceneManager.GetSceneByName("Scene2")); // Ouput the same of the active Scene // See now that the name is updated Debug.Log("Active Scene : " + SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name); } } }