Version: 2019.1


Unity 手册提供了特定 Unity 版本的文档。每个包都有自己的版本,因此每个包都提供该包特定版本的文档。因此,主要 Unity 手册文档中不包含包文档;相反,每个包的文档都位于 Unity 文档服务器上自己的微型网站中。


When the package page opens, you can see four links at the top of the page.

Unity 的包文档菜单栏
Unity 的包文档菜单栏

要在此包的手册 (Manual) 文档、脚本 API (Scripting API) 文档、变更日志 (Changelog)许可证 (License) 信息之间来回切换,请单击页面顶部的对应链接。


Each version of the Unity Manual documentation provides a list of verified and preview packages, a list of built-in packages, and a list of keywords with links to the matching package documentation which you can use with that version of Unity:

Unity 包列表
Unity 包列表

Note: Only packages that are compatible with the version of Unity matching the documentation appear in these lists. You can click the link in the list to open the latest version of that package documentation, where latest means the highest version generated. If you can’t find the package you want in this list, there might be several reasons:

  • It isn’t released for this version of Unity.
  • It is a preview package. The packages list includes only a limited number of preview packages.
  • 这个包是私有包。有些包并非所有人都可以使用,因为 Unity 以外的人员还在进行开发,或者因为它们采用特殊许可机制。

对于在另一个 Unity 版本中发布的包,您可以通过 Package Manager 窗口访问文档。如果是私有包,请尝试直接与开发者联系以请求访问权限。



要访问其中任何一个页面,可从 Package Manager 窗口中单击 View documentationView changelogView licenses 链接。


1.在 Unity 中打开 Package Manager 窗口

2.如果要寻找预览包,请从 Advanced 下拉菜单中选择 Show preview packages

![Show preview packages](../uploads/Main/upm-docs.png)



此时将出现一个新行,显示 **See all versions** 链接。

![See all versions](../uploads/Main/upm-docs1.png)

5.单击 See all versions 链接。






Notice the **verified** tag no longer appears in this example because version 1.2.4 of the TextMesh Pro package is not verified for Unity version 2019.1.

7.单击 View documentation 链接以打开所选包版本的文档。

![View documentation](../uploads/Main/upm-docs4.png) 

**NOTE**: If you are offline when you click the **View documentation** link and the package is on your computer (that is, embedded or installed from a local folder), the Package Manager opens the first MD file it finds under the `<package-root-folder>/Documentation~` folder in your default MD viewer. If the Package Manager installed the package from a server (that is, from a package registry server or a Git remote repository), the following message appears instead:


