删除资源数据库中所有未使用的 assetBundle 名称。
using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;
public class AssetDatabaseExamples : MonoBehaviour { [MenuItem("AssetDatabase/RemoveUnusedAssetBundles")] static void FindAndRemoveUnusedAssetBundles() { var unusedBundles = AssetDatabase.GetUnusedAssetBundleNames(); var unusedAssetBundleString = "";
//Add all except the last Asset Bundle name into the Unused Asset Bundle String with a comma at the end for (var i = 0; i < unusedBundles.Length - 1; i++) { unusedAssetBundleString += unusedBundles[i] + ", "; } //Add the last string without a comma unusedAssetBundleString += unusedBundles.Last(); //Remove the asset bundles from the editor AssetDatabase.RemoveUnusedAssetBundleNames(); Debug.Log($"Removed Asset Bundles: {unusedAssetBundleString}."); } }