Gradle for Android
Launcher Manifest

Android 清单

An Android Manifest contains information about an Android application. Each application has a single Android Manifest XML file at the root of the source set called AndroidManifest.xml. The Android operating system and digital distribution services (for example, Google Play) use Android Manifests to find information, such as the application’s name, the application’s entry point, Android version support, hardware features support, and application permissions. For more information about the Android Manifest file, and for a list of settings that the Android Manifest file configures, see the Android Developer documentation on Android Manifests.

To generate an Android Manifest, Unity uses two Unity-specific template manifest files:

  • Library Manifest: Configures Unity Player activities. For more information, see Library Manifest.
  • Launcher Manifest: Configures the application which wraps the Unity library. For more information, see Launcher Manifest.

For information on how Unity uses these manifest files to generate an Android Manifest, see Generating an Android Manifest.

Generating an Android Manifest

When Unity builds your Android application, it generates an Android Manifest file for the application. To do this:

  1. Unity uses the Library Manifest as a template for the Android Manifest. If you override the Library Manifest, Unity uses the file you specify as the template.
  2. Unity updates the Library Manifest and Launcher Manifest files with information such as permissions, configuration options, and the features that the application uses.
  3. Gradle merges the Library Manifest, Launcher Manifest, and plug-in manifests into one Android Manifest file.

You can view the Android Manifest file inside the output Android App Bundle (AAB) or Android Package (APK) using the Android Studio APK Analyzer, or another third-party tool such as Apktool.

Important: You cannot edit the Android Manifest file in the APK or AAB. For information on how to override the contents of an Android Manifest, see Overriding an Android Manifest.


Unity automatically adds the necessary permissions to the manifest based on the Android Player Settings and Unity APIs that your applications calls from C# scripts. For example:

If a plug-in requires a permission that is declared in its manifest, Unity automatically adds the permission to the final Android Manifest during the Gradle merge stage. Note that Unity includes all Unity APIs that the plug-ins use in the permissions list.

You can use the Android Runtime Permission System to request permission at runtime, instead of specifying permissions in the Android Manifest.

有关权限的更多信息,请参阅有关 Android 清单权限 (Android Manifest Permissions) 的 Android 开发者文档。

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  • Gradle for Android
    Launcher Manifest