cullingFlags | Additional culling information for the current context. |
cullingLayerMask | The cullingLayerMask value of the object from which the culling is invoked. The draw command is discarded by the internal culling if the expression (1 << layer) & cullingLayerMask is false. Using this field is optional, use it for performance or other optimization purposes. |
cullingPlanes | 要对其剔除的平面。 |
cullingSplits | The array of CullingSplit structs. |
localToWorldMatrix | Local to world matrix. |
lodParameters | 另请参阅:LODParameters。 |
projectionType | The projection of the view from which the culling is invoked. Usage example: take different culling paths for orthographic vs perspective views. |
receiverPlaneCount | The number of receiver planes. |
receiverPlaneOffset | The index of the first receiver plane in the BatchCullingContext.cullingPlanes array. |
sceneCullingMask | Use this bit mask to discard the draw commands in a particular context. A draw command is not discarded if the expression (1 << layer) & sceneCullingMask is true. This field is typically used when rendering Editor previews. |
viewID | The ID of the object from which the culling is invoked. Usage example: store culling-related data for each object. |
viewType | The type of the view from which the culling is invoked. Usage examples: skip culling, take different culling paths depending on the view type, etc. |