Version: 2023.2
public string label ;


获取或设置 SettingsProvider 在 Settings 窗口中的显示名称。如果未设置,Settings 窗口将改用 SettingsProvider.settingsPath 的最后一个标记。

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

class SettingsProviderExamples { void CreateVariousSettingsProviders() { // New Project setting that appears in its own root section (MyOwnSection) and not grouped under all the core settings. var p = new SettingsProvider("MyOwnSection/MySettings", SettingsScope.Project); // here p.label == "MySettings"

// First parameter is a unique id used to place the Settings in the tree view. // If a label is specified, this becomes the display name of the SettingsProvider. var p2 = new SettingsProvider("MyOwnSection/MySettingsOfDoom", SettingsScope.Project) { label = "A more proper Settings Name" };

// Second parameter is the Scope of the SettingsProvider. It determines whether this SettingsProvider appears in the // Settings window (used for Project settings specified with SettingsScope.Project) // or if it appears in the Preferences window (when specified with SettingsScope.User) var p3 = new SettingsProvider("Preferences/Multi touch", SettingsScope.User); } }