Version: 5.6

在 Unity 文档版本之间切换

The Unity Manual and Scripting API hold documentation for several versions of Unity. You can switch between the two latest versions by clicking on the link at the top-left of this page, above the table of contents.

It is not currently possible to look at an individual Unity documentation page and switch between its versions. Switching versions always takes you back to the home page.

To learn how to use a temporary workaround, follow these steps:

From the Manual or Scripting API home page, switch the version you are viewing using the Version link in the top-left corner of the page. Note that the structure of the URL changes. Each version has a specific URL:

Unity Manual

目标 URL
标准 URL
特定于版本的 URL (2017.1)
特定于版本的 URL (5.6)
Version-specific URL (5.5)

Unity Scripting API

目标 URL
标准 URL
特定于版本的 URL (2017.1)
特定于版本的 URL (5.6)
Version-specific URL (5.5)

现在,像往常一样浏览手册和脚本 API。如果要在版本之间切换,请更改 URL 中的数字以反映所要查看的版本。此变通方法适用于所有当前发布的文档版本

有时,切换时可能会出现 404 错误。如果所寻找的页面在该版本的手册或脚本 API 中不存在,则会发生这种情况。如果相应版本的 Unity 中不存在相关功能,通常会如此。

A note from the Unity Docs team:

Many users have told us that this situation is not ideal, and we want you to know that we have heard you. Please be assured that we are working on a fix to preserve the page you are on while switching versions.

Thank you for your patience while we work to make the Unity documentation a more efficient and intuitive tool for our users.

Last updated: April 7th, 2017
