Version: 5.6
public static string PasswordField (string password, params GUILayoutOption[] options);
public static string PasswordField (string password, GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] options);
public static string PasswordField (string label, string password, params GUILayoutOption[] options);
public static string PasswordField (string label, string password, GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] options);
public static string PasswordField (GUIContent label, string password, params GUILayoutOption[] options);
public static string PasswordField (GUIContent label, string password, GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] options);


label (可选)显示在密码字段前的标签。
password 要编辑的密码。
style 可选 GUIStyle
options 一个可选的布局选项列表,用于指定额外的布局属性。此处传递的任何值都将覆盖 style 定义的设置。


string 用户输入的密码。



此方法的运行方式与 GUILayout.PasswordField 一样,但能够正确响应编辑器中的 Select All 等操作, 并可在前面提供一个可选标签。

Simple window that visualizes what you have typed in the password field.

// Editor Script that creates a password field and lets you
// visualize what have you typed in a label.

using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine;

public class ExampleClass : EditorWindow { string text = "Some text here";

[MenuItem("Examples/Editor Password field usage")] static void Init() { ExampleClass window = (ExampleClass)GetWindow(typeof(ExampleClass)); window.Show(); }

void OnGUI() { text = EditorGUILayout.PasswordField("Type Something:", text); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Written Text:", text); } }