Base class for authoring data on a grid with grid painting tools like paint, erase, pick, select and fill.
Inheriting this class and/or creating brush asset instances from your inherited class, you can create custom brushes which react to high level grid events like paint, erase, pick, select and fill.
using UnityEngine;
// Paints two prefabs in checkerboard pattern [CreateAssetMenu] public class CheckerboardBrush : GridBrushBase { public GameObject prefabA; public GameObject prefabB;
public override void Paint(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, Vector3Int position) { bool evenCell = Mathf.Abs(position.y + position.x) % 2 > 0; GameObject toBeInstantiated = evenCell ? prefabA : prefabB;
if (toBeInstantiated != null) { GameObject newInstance = Instantiate(toBeInstantiated, grid.CellToWorld(position), Quaternion.identity); newInstance.transform.SetParent(brushTarget.transform); } } }
BoxErase | Erases data on a grid within the given bounds. |
BoxFill | Box fills tiles and GameObjects into given bounds within the selected layers. |
Erase | Erases data on a grid within the given bounds. |
Flip | Flips the grid brush in the given FlipAxis. |
FloodFill | Flood fills data onto a grid given the starting coordinates of the cell. |
Move | Move is called when user moves the area previously selected with the selection marquee. |
MoveEnd | MoveEnd is called when user has ended the move of the area previously selected with the selection marquee. |
MoveStart | MoveEnd is called when user starts moving the area previously selected with the selection marquee. |
Paint | Paints data into a grid within the given bounds. |
Pick | Picks data from a grid given the coordinates of the cells. |
Rotate | Rotates all tiles on the grid brush with the given RotationDirection. |
Select | Select an area of a grid. |
hideFlags | ¿Debería el objeto estar oculto, guardado con la escena o modificable por el usuario? |
name | El nombre del objeto. |
GetInstanceID | Devuelve el id de la instancia del objeto. |
ToString | Devuelve el nombre del objeto. |
Destroy | Elimina un gameobject, componente o asset. |
DestroyImmediate | Destroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Hace que el objeto target no sea destruido automáticamente cuando se cargue una nueva escena. |
FindObjectOfType | Devuelve el primer objeto activo cargado de tipo type. |
FindObjectsOfType | Devuelve una lista de todos los objetos activos cargados de tipo type. |
Instantiate | Clona el objeto original y devuelve el clon. |
CreateInstance | Crea una instancia de un objeto scriptable. |
bool | ¿Existe el objeto? |
operator != | Compare si dos objetos se refieren a un objeto diferente. |
operator == | Compara dos referencias de objeto para ver si se refieren al mismo objeto. |
Awake | Esta función se llama cuando el script ScriptableObject empieza. |
OnDestroy | Esta función se llama cuando el objeto scriptable se destruirá. |
OnDisable | Esta función se llama cuando el objeto scriptable se va fuera del alcance (scope). |
OnEnable | Esta función se llama cuando el objeto es cargado. |