Version: 2017.2
public static void DrawLines (Vector3[] lineSegments);


lineSegments A list of pairs of points that represent the start and end of line segments.


Draw a list of line segments.

"Draw multiple lines in sceneview.".

// Draw lines to the connected game objects that a script has.
// if the target object doesn't have any game objects attached
// then it draws a line from the object to 0,0,0.

using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic;

[CustomEditor(typeof(ConnectedObjects))] class ConnectLineHandle : Editor { void OnSceneGUI() { ConnectedObjects connectedObjects = target as ConnectedObjects; if (connectedObjects.objs == null || connectedObjects.objs.Length == 0) return; // we store the start and end points of the line segments in this array Vector3[] lineSegments = new Vector3[connectedObjects.objs.Length * 2];

int lastObject = connectedObjects.objs.Length - 1; Vector3 prevPoint; if (connectedObjects.objs[lastObject]) { prevPoint = connectedObjects.objs[lastObject].transform.position; } else { prevPoint =; } int pointIndex = 0; for (int currObjectIndex = 0; currObjectIndex < connectedObjects.objs.Length; currObjectIndex++) { // find the position of our connected object and store it Vector3 currPoint; if (connectedObjects.objs[currObjectIndex]) { currPoint = connectedObjects.objs[currObjectIndex].transform.position; } else { currPoint =; }

// store the starting point of the line segment lineSegments[pointIndex] = prevPoint; pointIndex++;

// store the ending point of the line segment lineSegments[pointIndex] = currPoint; pointIndex++;

prevPoint = currPoint; } Handles.DrawLines(lineSegments); } }

And the script attached to this Handle:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ConnectedObjects : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject[] objs = null;

public static void DrawLines (Vector3[] points, int[] segmentIndices);


points A list of points.
segmentIndices A list of pairs of indices to the start and end points of the line segments.


Draw a list of indexed line segments.

// Draw lines to the connected game objects that a script has.
// if the target object doesn't have any game objects attached
// then it draws a line from the object to 0,0,0.

using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic;

[CustomEditor(typeof(ConnectedLinePointsObjects))] class ConnectLinePointsHandle : Editor { void OnSceneGUI() { ConnectedLinePointsObjects connectedObjects = target as ConnectedLinePointsObjects; if (connectedObjects.objs == null || connectedObjects.objs.Length == 0) return;

// we store the points of the line segments in this array Vector3[] points = new Vector3[connectedObjects.objs.Length];

// for each line segment we need two indices into the points array: // the index to the start and the end point int[] segmentIndices = new int[connectedObjects.objs.Length * 2];

// create the points and line segments indices int prevIndex = connectedObjects.objs.Length - 1; int pointIndex = 0; int segmentIndex = 0; for (int currIndex = 0; currIndex < connectedObjects.objs.Length; currIndex++) { // find the position of our connected object and store it if (connectedObjects.objs[pointIndex]) { points[pointIndex] = connectedObjects.objs[currIndex].transform.position; } else { points[pointIndex] =; }

// the index to the start of the line segment segmentIndices[segmentIndex] = prevIndex; segmentIndex++;

// the index to the end of the line segment segmentIndices[segmentIndex] = pointIndex; segmentIndex++;

pointIndex++; prevIndex = currIndex; } Handles.DrawLines(points, segmentIndices); } }

And the script attached to this Handle:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ConnectedLinePointsObjects : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject[] objs = null;