Version: 2019.3
NavMesh Link
Ajustes Bake Avanzados del NavMesh

NavMesh building components API

Los components de construcción de un NavMesh le proporcionan a usted con unos controles adicionales para construir (también conocido como baking) y utilizando NavMeshes en tiempo de ejecución en el Editor de Unity.

NavMesh Modifiers are not in the Unity standard install; see documentation on high-level NavMesh building components for information on how to access them.



  • agentTypeID – ID describing the Agent type the NavMesh should be built for.
  • collectObjects – Defines how input geometry is collected from the Scene, one of UnityEngine.AI.CollectObjects:
    • All – Use all objects in the scene.
    • Volume – Use all GameObjects in the Scene that touch the bounding volume (see size and center)
    • Children – use all objects which are children to the Game Object where the NavMesh Surface is attached to.
  • size – Dimensions of the build volume. The size is not affected by scaling.
  • center – Center of the build volume relative to the transform center.
  • layerMask – Bitmask defining the layers on which the GameObjects must be to be included in the baking.
  • useGeometry – Defines which geometry is used for baking, one of UnityEngine.NavMeshCollectGeometry:
    • RenderMeshes – Use geometry from render meshes and terrains
    • PhysicsColliders – Use geometry from colliders and terrains.
  • defaultArea – Default area type for all input geometries, unless otherwise specified.
  • ignoreNavMeshAgent – True if GameObjects with a Nav Mesh Agent component should be ignored as input.
  • ignoreNavMeshObstacle – True if GameObjects with a Nav Mesh Obstacle component should be ignored as input.
  • overrideTileSize – True if tile size is set.
  • tileSize – Tile size in voxels (the component description includes information on how to choose tile size).
  • overrideVoxelSize – True if the voxel size is set.
  • voxelSize – Size of the voxel in world units (the component description includes information on how to choose tile size).
  • buildHeightMesh – Not implemented.
  • bakedNavMeshData – Reference to the NavMeshData the surface uses, or null if not set.
  • activeSurfaces – List of all active NavMeshSurfaces.

Note: The above values affect how the bake results, and so you must call Bake() to include them.

Public Functions

  • void Bake ()

Bakes a new NavMeshData based on the parameters set on NavMesh Surface. The data can be accessed via bakedNavMeshData.

NavMesh Modifier


  • overrideArea – True if the modifier overrides area type.
  • area – New area type to apply.
  • ignoreFromBuild – True if the GameObject which contains the modifier and its children should be not be used to NavMesh baking.
  • activeModifiers – List of all active NavMeshModifiers.

Public Functions

  • bool AffectsAgentType(int agentTypeID)

Returns true if the modifier applies to the specified Agent type, otherwise false.

NavMesh Modifier Volume


  • size – Size of the bounding volume in local space units. Transform affects the size.
  • center – Center of the bounding volume in local space units. Transform affects the center.
  • area – Area type to apply for the NavMesh areas that are inside the bounding volume.

Public Functions

  • bool AffectsAgentType(int agentTypeID)

Returns true of the the modifier applies for the specified Agent type.

NavMesh Link


  • agentTypeID – The type of Agent that can use the link.
  • startPoint – Start point of the link in local space units. Transform affects the location.
  • endPoint – End point of the link in local space units. Transform affects the location.
  • width – Width of the link in world length units.
  • bidirectional – If true, the link can be traversed both ways. If false, the link can be traversed only from start to end.
  • autoUpdate – If true, the link updates the end points to follow the transform of the GameObject every frame.
  • area – Area type of the link (used for pathfinding cost).

Public Functions

  • void UpdateLink()

Updates the link to match the associated transform. This is useful for updating a link, for example after changing the transform position, but is not necessary if the autoUpdate property is enabled. However calling UpdateLink can have a much smaller performance impact if you rarely change the link transform.

  • 2017–05–26 Page published

  • Nueva característica de 5.6

NavMesh Link
Ajustes Bake Avanzados del NavMesh