Version: 2019.3
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Eventos de analítica

Market Insights

Use the Market Insights page to find trends in the computer hardware that players use to play Unity games.

The Market Insight report for Mobile CPU Count
The Market Insight report for Mobile CPU Count

The Market Insights page shows the relative market share of various facets of computer hardware. For example, the chart above shows the number of CPU cores a computer or device has. Each report displays the most common members of the category (after the most popular members, the market share is grouped into a single Others item). Unity Analytics compiles the report data quarterly and provides historical data for the past two years.

Data for mobile and personal computer (Standalone Player) are compiled separately. Use the toolbar at the top of the page to select which set of data to view.

Market Insight data set selectors
Market Insight data set selectors

You can also look at separate data sets for Android and iOS on mobile, and for Windows and macOS on Standalone Players.

Report Descripción
Aspect Ratio The ratio between the long and short edges of the display screen.
CPU The model name of the Central Processing Unit (CPU).
CPU Count The number of CPU cores.
CPU Vendor The vendor who provided the CPU. (Standalone platforms only.)
GFX Name The model name of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).
GFX Vendor The vendor who produced the GPU.
OS Version The name and version of the operating system.
Platform The platform name.
RAM The amount of Random Access Memory available.
Screen The pixel dimensions of the display screen.
Vendor The vendor who produced the device. (Mobile platforms only.)

  • 2018–08–23 Page published
  • Marked Insights page added to Analytics Dashboard in 2018.3
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Eventos de analítica