Unity’s C# SIMD math library providing vector types and math functions with a shader like syntax.
These package versions are compatible with Unity version 2019.3:
Documentation location: | Versions supported: |
com.unity.mathematics@1.1 | 1.1.0 1.1.0-preview.1 |
com.unity.mathematics@1.0 | 1.0.1 1.0.0-preview.1 |
com.unity.mathematics@0.0 | 0.0.12-preview.20 0.0.12-preview.19 0.0.12-preview.17 0.0.12-preview.13 0.0.12-preview.11 0.0.12-preview.10 0.0.12-preview.8 0.0.12-preview.5 0.0.12-preview.2 |
Package version 1.1.0 is verified to work with 2019.3.