Clase singleton para acceder al baked NavMesh.
The NavMesh is a class that can be used to do spatial queries, like pathfinding and walkability tests, set the pathfinding cost for specific area types, and to tweak global behavior of pathfinding and avoidance.
Con el fin de utilizar las consultas espaciales, usted primero necesita bake el NavMesh a su escena.
See also:
• Building a NavMesh – for more information on how to setup and bake NavMesh
• Areas and Costs – to learn how to use different Area types.
• NavMeshAgent – to learn how to control and move NavMesh Agents.
• NavMeshObstacle – to learn how to control NavMesh Obstacles using scripting.
• OffMeshLink – to learn how to control Off-Mesh Links using scripting.
AllAreas | Constante de la máscara de área que incluye todas las áreas del NavMesh. |
avoidancePredictionTime | Describe hasta qué punto en el futuro los agentes predicen colisiones para evitarlas. |
onPreUpdate | Set a function to be called before the NavMesh is updated during the frame update execution. |
pathfindingIterationsPerFrame | La cantidad máxima de nodos procesados cada frame en el proceso asincrónico de pathfinding. |
AddLink | Adds a link to the NavMesh. The link is described by the NavMeshLinkData struct. |
AddNavMeshData | Adds the specified NavMeshData to the game. |
CalculatePath | Calcular una ruta entre dos puntos y almacenar la ruta resultante. |
CalculateTriangulation | Calcula la triangulación del navmesh actual. |
CreateSettings | Creates and returns a new entry of NavMesh build settings available for runtime NavMesh building. |
FindClosestEdge | Localice el borde NavMesh más cercano desde un punto en el NavMesh. |
GetAreaCost | Obtiene el costo de búsqueda de la ruta sobre la geometría del tipo de área. |
GetAreaFromName | Devuelve el índice de área para un tipo de área NavMesh. |
GetSettingsByID | Returns an existing entry of NavMesh build settings. |
GetSettingsByIndex | Returns an existing entry of NavMesh build settings by its ordered index. |
GetSettingsCount | Returns the number of registered NavMesh build settings. |
GetSettingsNameFromID | Returns the name associated with the NavMesh build settings matching the provided agent type ID. |
Raycast | Trace una linea entre dos puntos en el NavMesh. |
RemoveAllNavMeshData | Removes all NavMesh surfaces and links from the game. |
RemoveLink | Removes a link from the NavMesh. |
RemoveNavMeshData | Removes the specified NavMeshDataInstance from the game, making it unavailable for agents and queries. |
RemoveSettings | Removes the build settings matching the agent type ID. |
SamplePosition | Encuentra el punto más cercano en el NavMesh dentro del rango especificado. |
SetAreaCost | Define el costo para encontrar la ruta sobre la geometría del tipo de área en todos los agentes. |
OnNavMeshPreUpdate | A delegate which can be used to register callback methods to be invoked before the NavMesh system updates. |