Version: 2018.4


struct in UnityEngine



Min-Max Curve のスクリプトインターフェース

MinMaxCurve describes functions taking a value between a minimum and maximum limit and returning a value based on ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve.mode. Depending on the mode, the value returned may be randomized. For modes requiring curves, the value returned is dependent on one or two curves designed in the ParticleSystem Inspector, that can be evaluated to a single value between -n and n, where n is a constant also set in the Inspector. See ParticleSystemCurveMode for more information.

関連項目: ParticleSystem.

using UnityEngine;

// This example shows setting a constant rate value. public class ConstantRateExample : MonoBehaviour { ParticleSystem myParticleSystem; ParticleSystem.EmissionModule emissionModule;

void Start() { // Get the system and the emission module. myParticleSystem = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>(); emissionModule = myParticleSystem.emission;

GetValue(); SetValue(); }

void GetValue() { print("The constant value is " + emissionModule.rate.constant); }

void SetValue() { emissionModule.rate = 10.0f; } }
using UnityEngine;

// This example shows using 2 constants to drive the rate. public class TwoConstantsRateExample : MonoBehaviour { ParticleSystem myParticleSystem; ParticleSystem.EmissionModule emissionModule;

void Start() { // Get the system and the emission module. myParticleSystem = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>(); emissionModule = myParticleSystem.emission;

GetValue(); SetValue(); }

void GetValue() { print(string.Format("The constant values are: min {0} max {1}.", emissionModule.rate.constantMin, emissionModule.rate.constantMax)); }

void SetValue() { emissionModule.rate = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(0.0f, 10.0f); } }
using UnityEngine;

// This example shows using a curve to drive the rate. public class CurveRateExample : MonoBehaviour { ParticleSystem myParticleSystem; ParticleSystem.EmissionModule emissionModule;

// We can "scale" the curve with this value. It gets multiplied by the curve. public float scalar = 1.0f;

AnimationCurve ourCurve;

void Start() { // Get the system and the emission module. myParticleSystem = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>(); emissionModule = myParticleSystem.emission;

// A simple linear curve. ourCurve = new AnimationCurve(); ourCurve.AddKey(0.0f, 0.0f); ourCurve.AddKey(1.0f, 1.0f);

// Apply the curve. emissionModule.rate = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(scalar, ourCurve);

// In 5 seconds we will modify the curve. Invoke("ModifyCurve", 5.0f); }

void ModifyCurve() { // Add a key to the current curve. ourCurve.AddKey(0.5f, 0.0f);

// Apply the changed curve. emissionModule.rate = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(scalar, ourCurve); } }
using UnityEngine;

// This example shows using 2 curves to drive the rate. public class TwoCurveRateExample : MonoBehaviour { ParticleSystem myParticleSystem; ParticleSystem.EmissionModule emissionModule;

AnimationCurve ourCurveMin; AnimationCurve ourCurveMax;

// We can "scale" the curves with this value. It gets multiplied by the curves. public float scalar = 1.0f;

void Start() { // Get the system and the emission module. myParticleSystem = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>(); emissionModule = myParticleSystem.emission;

// A horizontal straight line at value 1. ourCurveMin = new AnimationCurve(); ourCurveMin.AddKey(0.0f, 1.0f); ourCurveMin.AddKey(1.0f, 1.0f);

// A horizontal straight line at value 0.5. ourCurveMax = new AnimationCurve(); ourCurveMax.AddKey(0.0f, 0.5f); ourCurveMax.AddKey(1.0f, 0.5f);

// Apply the curves. emissionModule.rate = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(scalar, ourCurveMin, ourCurveMax);

// In 5 seconds we will modify the curve. Invoke("ModifyCurve", 5.0f); }

void ModifyCurve() { // Create a "pinch" point. ourCurveMin.AddKey(0.5f, 0.7f); ourCurveMax.AddKey(0.5f, 0.6f);

// Apply the changed curve. emissionModule.rate = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(scalar, ourCurveMin, ourCurveMax); } }


modeMin-Max カーブが値を評価するのに使用するモードを設定します。



Public 関数

Evaluatecurve のモードに基づいて、値を計算するよう手動でカーブに問い合わせします。

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