Version: 2021.3
言語: 日本語
public Vector3 pivot ;



The units are expressed as a multiplier of the particle sizes, relative to their diameters. For example, a value of 0.5 adjusts the pivot by the particle radius, allowing particles to rotate around their edges.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;

[RequireComponent(typeof(ParticleSystem))] public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {

private ParticleSystem ps; private ParticleSystemRenderer psr; public Vector3 pivot;

void Start() {

ps = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>(); psr = GetComponent<ParticleSystemRenderer>();

psr.material = AssetDatabase.GetBuiltinExtraResource<Material>("Default-Diffuse.mat"); // square material so we can see the pivot more easily

var rotation = ps.rotationOverLifetime; rotation.enabled = true; rotation.zMultiplier = 180.0f; // spin so we can see the pivot more easily }

void Update() {

psr.pivot = pivot; }

void OnGUI() {

GUI.Label(new Rect(25, 40, 100, 30), "X"); GUI.Label(new Rect(25, 80, 100, 30), "Y"); GUI.Label(new Rect(25, 120, 100, 30), "Z");

pivot.x = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(65, 25, 100, 30), pivot.x, -2.0f, 2.0f); pivot.y = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(65, 65, 100, 30), pivot.y, -2.0f, 2.0f); pivot.z = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(65, 105, 100, 30), pivot.z, -2.0f, 2.0f); } }