class in UnityEditor.SceneManagement
DefaultSceneCullingMask | Use SceneCullingMasks.DefaultSceneCullingMask instead. |
playModeStartScene | Loads this SceneAsset when you start Play Mode. |
preventCrossSceneReferences | 他のシーンを指す参照 (cross-Scene references) がエディターで可能かどうかを制御します。 |
previewSceneCount | The current amount of active preview Scenes. |
CalculateAvailableSceneCullingMask | Go through all Scenes and find the smallest unused bit in the unition of all Scene culling masks. |
ClosePreviewScene | Closes a preview Scene created by NewPreviewScene. |
CloseScene | シーンを閉じます。 removeScene フラグが true であれば閉じたシーンは EditorSceneManager から削除されます。 |
DetectCrossSceneReferences | Detects cross-Scene references in a Scene. |
EnsureUntitledSceneHasBeenSaved | Shows a save dialog if an Untitled Scene exists in the current Scene manager setup. |
GetSceneCullingMask | Return the culling mask set on the given Scene. |
GetSceneManagerSetup | SceneManager の現在の SceneSetUp を返します。 |
IsPreviewScene | Is the Scene a preview Scene? |
IsPreviewSceneObject | Is this object part of a preview Scene? |
LoadSceneAsyncInPlayMode | This method allows you to load a Scene during playmode in the editor, without requiring the Scene to be included in the Build Settings Scene list. |
LoadSceneInPlayMode | This method allows you to load a Scene during playmode in the editor, without requiring the Scene to be included in the Build Settings Scene list. |
MarkAllScenesDirty | 読み込まれているすべてのシーンを修正済みとして印を付ける。 |
MarkSceneDirty | シーンを修正済みとして印を付ける |
MoveSceneAfter | 現在ヒエラルキーウィンドウで開いているシーンの順番を入れ替えられます。 ソースシーンは移動先シシーンの後に移動します。 |
MoveSceneBefore | 現在ヒエラルキーウィンドウで開いているシーンの順番を入れ替えられます。 ソースシーンは移動先シーンの前に移動します。 |
NewPreviewScene | Creates a new preview Scene. Any object added to a preview Scene will only be rendered in that Scene. |
NewScene | 新しくシーンを作成します |
OpenScene | エディターでシーンを開きます。 |
RestoreSceneManagerSetup | SceneManager の SceneSetup を復元します。 |
SaveCurrentModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo | Asks the user if they want to save the current open modified Scene or Scenes in the Hierarchy. |
SaveModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo | Asks whether the modfied input Scenes should be saved. |
SaveOpenScenes | 開いているシーンをすべて保存します。 |
SaveScene | シーンを保存します。 |
SaveScenes | シーンのリストを保存します。 |
SetSceneCullingMask | Set the culling mask on this scene to this value. Cameras will only render objects in Scenes that have the same bits set in their culling mask. |
activeSceneChangedInEditMode | Subscribe to this event to get notified when the active Scene has changed in Edit mode in the Editor. |
newSceneCreated | This event is called after a new Scene has been created. |
sceneClosed | This event is called after a Scene has been closed in the editor. |
sceneClosing | This event is called before closing an open Scene after you have requested that the Scene is closed. |
sceneDirtied | This event is called after a Scene has been modified in the editor. |
sceneManagerSetupRestored | This can be useful to get notified when the SceneManager's scenes are replaced with a set of new scenes from calls to RestoreSceneManagerSetup.Use the scenes argument to check what scenes has just been opened.See Also: SceneManagerSetupRestoredCallback. |
sceneOpened | This event is called after a Scene has been opened in the editor. |
sceneOpening | This event is called before opening an existing Scene. |
sceneSaved | This event is called after a Scene has been saved. |
sceneSaving | This event is called before a Scene is saved disk after you have requested the Scene to be saved. |
NewSceneCreatedCallback | Callbacks of this type which have been added to the newSceneCreated event are called after a new Scene has been created. |
SceneClosedCallback | Callbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneClosed event are called immediately after the Scene has been closed. |
SceneClosingCallback | Callbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneClosing event are called just before a Scene is closed. |
SceneDirtiedCallback | Callbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneDirtied event are called after a Scene changes from being unmodified to being modified. |
SceneManagerSetupRestoredCallback | Callbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneManagerSetupRestored event are called after RestoreSceneManagerSetup has been called. |
SceneOpenedCallback | Callbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneOpened event are called after a Scene has been opened. |
SceneOpeningCallback | Callbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneOpening event are called just before opening a Scene. |
SceneSavedCallback | Callbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneSaved event are called after a Scene has been saved. |
SceneSavingCallback | Callbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneSaving event are called just before the Scene is saved. |
loadedSceneCount | 読み込まれているシーン数 |
sceneCount | The current number of Scenes. |
sceneCountInBuildSettings | Number of Scenes in Build Settings. |
CreateScene | Create an empty new Scene at runtime with the given name. |
GetActiveScene | Gets the currently active Scene. |
GetSceneAt | Get the Scene at index in the SceneManager's list of loaded Scenes. |
GetSceneByBuildIndex | Get a Scene struct from a build index. |
GetSceneByName | Searches through the Scenes loaded for a Scene with the given name. |
GetSceneByPath | Searches all Scenes loaded for a Scene that has the given asset path. |
LoadScene | Loads the Scene by its name or index in Build Settings. |
LoadSceneAsync | Loads the Scene asynchronously in the background. |
MergeScenes | This will merge the source Scene into the destinationScene. |
MoveGameObjectToScene | Move a GameObject from its current Scene to a new Scene. |
SetActiveScene | Set the Scene to be active. |
UnloadSceneAsync | Destroys all GameObjects associated with the given Scene and removes the Scene from the SceneManager. |
activeSceneChanged | Subscribe to this event to get notified when the active Scene has changed. |
sceneLoaded | Add a delegate to this to get notifications when a Scene has loaded. |
sceneUnloaded | Add a delegate to this to get notifications when a Scene has unloaded. |