content | ボタンのテキスト、画像、ツールチップ |
focusType | Whether the button should be selectable by keyboard or not. |
style | Optional style to use. |
options | 指定してレイアウトオプションを渡すときのレイアウトオプションのリスト。ここで設定したものは style によって設定された値を上書きします。Additional resources: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight, GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight. |
when the user clicks the button.
Make a button that reacts to mouse down, for displaying your own dropdown content.
This control does not do anything but returns true on mouse down when clicked, as opposed to regular buttons that return true on mouse up.
This can be used for buttons that should open a GenericMenu or your own custom EditorWindow in dropdown form.
When used with a GenericMenu, use @@GenericMenu.Dropdown and pass the same rect to the method as was used for the button, which you can obtain using
GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect. Note that this will only return a valid rect when
EditorGUILayout.DropdownButton@@ returns false. This happens because the last layout event is not used when the click goes through to open a menu.
When used with a custom EditorWindow, use EditorWindow.ShowAsDropdown and pass the same rect to the method as was used for the button, which you can obtain using GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect.