Attribute used to register a class as an overlay.
Overlay must derive from the Overlay class.
defaultDisplay | Set this value to true to ensure that the target Overlay will be shown when a new instance of the EditorWindow type is instantiated. |
defaultDockIndex | Set the defaultDockIndex to define where in a DockZone an Overlay is placed. |
defaultDockPosition | Set defaultDockPosition to define the default alignment for a newly instantiated Overlay. |
defaultDockZone | Use defaultDockZone to set the default location for an Overlay when it is made visible for the first time in a new EditorWindow. |
defaultHeight | Set defaultHeight to define the height of an Overlay when it hasn't been resized by the user. |
defaultLayout | Set defaultLayout to define the Layout for an Overlay when it is created for the first time. |
defaultWidth | Set defaultWidth to define the width of an Overlay when it hasn't been resized by the user. |
displayName | Defines what the display name of the overlay will be. |
editorWindowType | Defines which EditorWindow type the overlay is used in. |
id | Defines the unique identifier used to identify the overlay. |
maxHeight | Set maxHeight to define the maximum height of an Overlay. |
maxWidth | Set maxWidth to define the maximum width of an Overlay. |
minHeight | Set minHeight to define the minimum height of an Overlay. |
minWidth | Set maxWidth to define the minimum width of an Overlay. |
ussName | Name of the overlay's root visual element. |
OverlayAttribute | Attribute used to register a class as an Overlay. |