Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEngine.TerrainTools



A set of utility functions for custom terrain paint tools.

Static 関数

BeginPaintHeightmapHelper function to set up a PaintContext for modifying the heightmap of one or more Terrain tiles.
BeginPaintHolesHelper function to set up a PaintContext for modifying the Terrain holes of one or more Terrain tiles.
BeginPaintTextureHelper function to set up a PaintContext for modifying the alphamap of one or more Terrain tiles.
BuildTransformPaintContextUVToPaintContextUVBuilds a Scale & Offset transform to convert between one PaintContext's UV space and another PaintContext's UV space.
CalculateBrushTransformCreates a BrushTransform from the input parameters.
CollectNormalsHelper function to set up a PaintContext that collects mesh normal data from one or more Terrain tiles.
EndPaintHeightmapHelper function to complete a heightmap modification.
EndPaintHolesHelper function to complete a Terrain holes modification.
EndPaintTextureHelper function to complete a texture alphamap modification.
FindTerrainLayerIndexFinds the index of a TerrainLayer in a Terrain tile.
GetBlitMaterialReturns the default material for blitting operations.
GetBrushWorldSizeLimitsCalculates the minimum and maximum Brush size limits, in world space.
GetBuiltinPaintMaterialReturns the built-in in paint material used by the built-in tools.
GetCopyTerrainLayerMaterialReturns the default copy terrain layer material.
GetHeightBlitMaterialReturns the Material to use when copying the Terrain heightmap.
GetTerrainAlphaMapCheckedReturns the alphamap texture at mapIndex.
ReleaseContextResourcesReleases the allocated resources of the specified PaintContext.
SetupTerrainToolMaterialPropertiesSets up all of the material properties used by functions in TerrainTool.cginc.