Version: 2017.2
public void EndWindows ();


Close a window group started with EditorWindow.BeginWindows.

Simple editor Window with a window and a button inside.

class GUIWindowDemo extends EditorWindow {
    // The position of the window
    var windowRect = Rect (100,100,200,200);

// Main GUI Function function OnGUI () { // Begin Window BeginWindows ();

// All GUI.Window or GUILayout.Window must come inside here windowRect = GUILayout.Window (1, windowRect, DoWindow, "Hi There");

// Collect all the windows between the two. EndWindows (); }

// The window function. This works just like ingame GUI.Window function DoWindow () { GUILayout.Button ("Hi"); GUI.DragWindow (); }

// Add menu item to show this demo. @MenuItem ("Test/GUIWindow Demo") static function Init () { EditorWindow.GetWindow (GUIWindowDemo); } }

The placement of the BeginWindows / EndWindows pair determines where popup windows will appear; all windows are clipped to the clipping area defined by GUI.BeginGroup or GUI.BeginScrollView. A small example of that:

Simple editor window with a window and a button inside using scroll bars.

class GUIWindowDemo2 extends EditorWindow {
    // The position of the window
    var windowRect = Rect (100,100,200,200);

// Scroll position var scrollPos =;

function OnGUI () { // Set up a scroll view scrollPos = GUI.BeginScrollView ( new Rect (0, 0, position.width, position.height), scrollPos, new Rect (0, 0, 1000, 1000) );

// Same code as before - make a window. Only now, it's INSIDE the scrollview BeginWindows (); windowRect = GUILayout.Window (1, windowRect, DoWindow, "Hi There"); EndWindows ();

// Close the scroll view GUI.EndScrollView (); }

function DoWindow () { GUILayout.Button ("Hi"); GUI.DragWindow (); }

@MenuItem ("Test/GUIWindow Demo 2") static function Init () { EditorWindow.GetWindow (GUIWindowDemo2); } }