Version: 2017.3
public static void SetAreaCost (int areaIndex, float cost);


areaIndex Index of the area to set.
cost New cost.


Sets the cost for finding path over geometry of the area type on all agents.

This will replace any custom area costs on all agents, and set the default cost for new agents that are created after calling the function. The cost must be larger than 1.0.

You can use NavMesh.GetAreaFromName to find the area index based on the name of the NavMesh area type.

// ToggleWaterCost
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;

public class ToggleWaterCost : MonoBehaviour { void Update() { if (Input.anyKeyDown) { // Make water area 10x more costly to traverse. NavMesh.SetAreaCost(NavMesh.GetAreaFromName("water"), 10.0f); } } }

See Also: Areas and Costs to learn how to use different Area types.