Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어


interface in UnityEditor

매뉴얼로 전환


Implements this interface on a Viewpoint<T0> to define a camera frustum when a Viewpoint is enabled in the Cameras Overlay.

These fields can be modified in the Scene view: Field of View Orthographic mode Orthographic size


FarClipPlaneMaps to Camera.farClipPlane.
FieldOfViewMaps to Camera.fieldOfView.
FocalLengthMaps to Camera.focalLength.
GateFitMaps to Camera.gateFit.
LensShiftMaps to Camera.lensShift.
NearClipPlaneMaps to Camera.nearClipPlane.
OrthographicMaps to Camera.orthographic.
OrthographicSizeMaps to Camera.orthographicSize.
SensorSizeMaps to Camera.sensorSize.
UsePhysicalPropertiesMaps to Camera.usePhysicalProperties.