Version: 5.6
public static void DrawWireDisc (Vector3 center, Vector3 normal, float radius);


center The center of the dics.
normal The normal of the disc.
radius The radius of the dics

Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.


Draw the outline of a flat disc in 3D space.

Wire Disc in the Scene View.

    // Create a wire disc with a ScaleValueHandle attached to the disc
    // that lets you drag the "areaOfEffect" var in the WireDiscExample.js

@CustomEditor (WireDiscExample) class DrawWireDisc extends Editor { function OnSceneGUI () { Handles.color =; Handles.DrawWireDisc(target.transform.position, Vector3.up, target.areaOfEffect);

target.areaOfEffect = Handles.ScaleValueHandle(target.areaOfEffect, target.transform.position + Vector3(target.areaOfEffect,0,0), Quaternion.identity, 2, Handles.CylinderCap, 2); } }

And the script attached to this Handle:


var areaOfEffect : float = 5;