Version: 2019.2


class in UnityEditor

Switch to Manual


AnimationMode is used by the AnimationWindow to store properties modified by the AnimationClip playback.

When exiting AnimationMode all properties are reverted to their default state. Animated properties are also highlighted by the inspector. Use StartAnimationMode to enter animation mode. In Animation mode the editor is tinted to show that it is animating. Properties can be animated via SampleAnimationClip.

The following script example shows how a GameObject can be animated. AnimationMode has functions which support this. The demo can be launched from the "Examples/AnimationMode demo" menu. Once this demo starts it requires a GameObject to be selected in the Scene window. (This example requires the game to not be running in the Game view.) After a GameObject has been selected the example window will change. Choose a created animation clip for the chosen GameObject. Once the animation clip has been loaded the animation can be applied to the GameObject. Clicking the Animate button adds a slider to the window. Using the slider will apply the animation to the selected GameObject. The Lock button prevents the animation to be applied to a different GameObject.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class ExampleClass : EditorWindow { protected GameObject go; protected AnimationClip animationClip; protected float time = 0.0f; protected bool lockSelection = false; protected bool animationMode = false;

[MenuItem("Examples/AnimationMode demo", false, 2000)] public static void DoWindow() { var window = GetWindowWithRect<ExampleClass>(new Rect(0, 0, 300, 80)); window.Show(); }

// Has a GameObject been selection? public void OnSelectionChange() { if (!lockSelection) { go = Selection.activeGameObject; Repaint(); } }

// Main editor window public void OnGUI() { // Wait for user to select a GameObject if (go == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Please select a GameObject", MessageType.Info); return; }

// Animate and Lock buttons. Check if Animate has changed GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); GUILayout.Toggle(AnimationMode.InAnimationMode(), "Animate"); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) ToggleAnimationMode();

GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); lockSelection = GUILayout.Toggle(lockSelection, "Lock"); GUILayout.EndHorizontal();

// Slider to use when Animate has been ticked EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); animationClip = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(animationClip, typeof(AnimationClip), false) as AnimationClip; if (animationClip != null) { float startTime = 0.0f; float stopTime = animationClip.length; time = EditorGUILayout.Slider(time, startTime, stopTime); } else if (AnimationMode.InAnimationMode()) AnimationMode.StopAnimationMode(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }

void Update() { if (go == null) return;

if (animationClip == null) return;

// There is a bug in AnimationMode.SampleAnimationClip which crashes // Unity if there is no valid controller attached Animator animator = go.GetComponent<Animator>(); if (animator != null &amp;&amp; animator.runtimeAnimatorController == null) return;

// Animate the GameObject if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying &amp;&amp; AnimationMode.InAnimationMode()) { AnimationMode.BeginSampling(); AnimationMode.SampleAnimationClip(go, animationClip, time); AnimationMode.EndSampling();

SceneView.RepaintAll(); } }

void ToggleAnimationMode() { if (AnimationMode.InAnimationMode()) AnimationMode.StopAnimationMode(); else AnimationMode.StartAnimationMode(); } }

Static Variables

animatedPropertyColorЦвет используется, чтобы показать, что это свойство в данный момент анимируется.
candidatePropertyColorThe color used to show that an animated property has been modified.
recordedPropertyColorThe color used to show that an animated property automatically records changes in the animation clip.

Static Functions

AddEditorCurveBindingMarks a property defined by an EditorCurveBinding as currently being animated.
AddPropertyModificationMarks a property as currently being animated.
BeginSamplingInitialise the start of the animation clip sampling.
EndSamplingFinish the sampling of the animation clip.
InAnimationModeAre we currently in AnimationMode?
IsPropertyAnimatedУказанное свойство в настоящее время в режиме анимации и анимируется?
SampleAnimationClipSamples an AnimationClip on the object and also records any modified properties in AnimationMode.
StartAnimationModeЗапускает режим анимации.
StopAnimationModeОстанавливает режим анимации, возвращает все свойства, которые анимировались в режиме анимации.