Makes the following controls give the appearance of editing multiple different values.
This is sometimes useful when creating custom editors and you want to represent a value in a non-standard way in the GUI while also supporting multi-object editing.
// This example shows a custom inspector for an object "MyVessel". // MyVessel has a boolean variable isFast but we want to show it // as a dropdown instead of as a toggle.
enum SpeedOption { Slow, Fast }
@CustomEditor (MyVessel) @CanEditMultipleObjects class MyVesselEditor extends Editor { var isFastProp : SerializedProperty;
function OnEnable () { isFastProp = serializedObject.FindProperty ("isFast"); }
function OnInspectorGUI () { serializedObject.Update ();
// Show the isFast boolean the standard way - as a toggle: EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (isFastProp);
// Show the isFast boolean as a dropdown using the SpeedOption enum defined above:
// Check if the value was changed inside this block EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck ();
// If the isFast property represent multiple different values, the dropdown should show that: EditorGUI.showMixedValue = isFastProp.hasMultipleDifferentValues;
// Convert the isFast boolean to an enum value var speedOptionEnumValue : SpeedOption; if (isFastProp.boolValue == true) speedOptionEnumValue = SpeedOption.Fast; else speedOptionEnumValue = SpeedOption.Slow;
// Present the enum value in a dropdown: speedOptionEnumValue = EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Speed", speedOptionEnumValue);
// Set showMixedValue to false so it doesn't affect the following controls, if any: EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false;
// If the value was changed inside this block, apply the new value to all the objects: if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck ()) isFastProp.boolValue = (speedOptionEnumValue == SpeedOption.Fast ? true : false);
serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties (); } }
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