Deprecated feature, no longer available
color | The main color of the Material. |
doubleSidedGI | Gets and sets whether the Double Sided Global Illumination setting is enabled for this material. |
enableInstancing | Gets and sets whether GPU instancing is enabled for this material. |
globalIlluminationFlags | Defines how the material should interact with lightmaps and lightprobes. |
mainTexture | The main texture. |
mainTextureOffset | The offset of the main texture. |
mainTextureScale | The scale of the main texture. |
passCount | How many passes are in this material (Read Only). |
renderQueue | Render queue of this material. |
shader | The shader used by the material. |
shaderKeywords | Additional shader keywords set by this material. |
hideFlags | Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? |
name | The name of the object. |
ComputeCRC | Computes a CRC hash value from the content of the material. |
CopyPropertiesFromMaterial | Copy properties from other material into this material. |
DisableKeyword | Unset a shader keyword. |
EnableKeyword | Sets a shader keyword that is enabled by this material. |
FindPass | Returns the index of the pass passName. |
GetColor | Get a named color value. |
GetColorArray | Get a named color array. |
GetFloat | Get a named float value. |
GetFloatArray | Get a named float array. |
GetInt | Get a named integer value. |
GetMatrix | Get a named matrix value from the shader. |
GetMatrixArray | Get a named matrix array. |
GetPassName | Returns the name of the shader pass at index pass. |
GetShaderPassEnabled | Checks whether a given Shader pass is enabled on this Material. |
GetTag | Get the value of material's shader tag. |
GetTexture | Get a named texture. |
GetTextureOffset | Gets the placement offset of texture propertyName. |
GetTexturePropertyNameIDs | Return the name IDs of all texture properties exposed on this material. |
GetTexturePropertyNames | Returns the names of all texture properties exposed on this material. |
GetTextureScale | Gets the placement scale of texture propertyName. |
GetVector | Get a named vector value. |
GetVectorArray | Get a named vector array. |
HasProperty | Checks if material's shader has a property of a given name. |
IsKeywordEnabled | Is the shader keyword enabled on this material? |
Lerp | Interpolate properties between two materials. |
SetBuffer | Sets a named buffer value. |
SetColor | Sets a named color value. |
SetColorArray | Sets a color array property. |
SetConstantBuffer | Sets a ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer as a named constant buffer for the material. |
SetFloat | Sets a named float value. |
SetFloatArray | Sets a float array property. |
SetInt | Sets a named integer value. |
SetMatrix | Sets a named matrix for the shader. |
SetMatrixArray | Sets a matrix array property. |
SetOverrideTag | Sets an override tag/value on the material. |
SetPass | Activate the given pass for rendering. |
SetShaderPassEnabled | Enables or disables a Shader pass on a per-Material level. |
SetTexture | Sets a named texture. |
SetTextureOffset | Sets the placement offset of texture propertyName. |
SetTextureScale | Sets the placement scale of texture propertyName. |
SetVector | Sets a named vector value. |
SetVectorArray | Sets a vector array property. |
GetInstanceID | Returns the instance id of the object. |
ToString | Returns the name of the object. |
Destroy | Removes a GameObject, component or asset. |
DestroyImmediate | Destroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Do not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene. |
FindObjectOfType | Returns the first active loaded object of Type type. |
FindObjectsOfType | Gets a list of all loaded objects of Type type. |
Instantiate | Clones the object original and returns the clone. |
bool | Does the object exist? |
operator != | Compares if two objects refer to a different object. |
operator == | Compares two object references to see if they refer to the same object. |
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