Enumerates the mouse buttons to identify specific mouse button interactions.
Use this enumeration for mouse-related events to identify and respond to specific mouse button interactions.
For example, you can check the Button property of a mouse event to determine which button triggered the event.
Additional resources: Button, MouseDownEvent, PointerDownEvent
The following example shows how to use the MouseButton enumeration.
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public class MouseButtonExample : EditorWindow { [MenuItem("Window/Mouse Button Example")] public static void ShowExample() { GetWindow<MouseButtonExample>(); } void CreateGUI() { var button = new Button { text = "Click me" }; button.RegisterCallback<PointerDownEvent>(OnPointerDown, TrickleDown.TrickleDown); // Use TrickleDown phase
rootVisualElement.Add(button); }
private void OnPointerDown(PointerDownEvent evt) { switch ((MouseButton)evt.button) { case MouseButton.LeftMouse: Debug.Log("Left mouse button clicked"); break; case MouseButton.RightMouse: Debug.Log("Right mouse button clicked"); break; case MouseButton.MiddleMouse: Debug.Log("Middle mouse button clicked"); break; default: Debug.Log("Unknown mouse button clicked"); break; } } }
LeftMouse | Represents the left mouse button. Typically used for selection or activation. |
RightMouse | Represents the right mouse button. Typically used to open context menus. |
MiddleMouse | Represents the middle mouse button. |