本页面将详细介绍 iOS 特有的__纹理覆盖 (Texture Overrides)__。可在此处找到常规纹理覆盖的说明。
纹理格式 | What internal representation is used for the texture. This is a tradeoff between size and quality. In the examples below we show the final size of a in-game texture of 256 by 256 pixels: |
RGB Compressed PVRTC 4 bits | Compressed RGB texture. This is the most common format for diffuse textures. 4 bits per pixel (32 KB for a 256x256 texture) |
RGBA Compressed PVRTC 4 bits | Compressed RGBA texture. This is the main format used for diffuse & specular control textures or diffuse textures with transparency. 4 bits per pixel (32 KB for a 256x256 texture) |
RGB Compressed PVRTC 2 bits | Compressed RGB texture. Lower quality format suitable for diffuse textures. 2 bits per pixel (16 KB for a 256x256 texture) |
RGBA Compressed PVRTC 2 bits | Compressed RGBA texture. Lower quality format suitable for diffuse & specular control textures. 2 bits per pixel (16 KB for a 256x256 texture) |
RGB Compressed DXT1 | Compressed RGB texture. This format is not supported on iOS, but kept for backwards compatibility with desktop projects. |
RGBA Compressed DXT5 | Compressed RGBA texture. This format is not supported on iOS, but kept for backwards compatibility with desktop projects. |
RGB 16 bit | 65,000 种颜色,没有 Alpha。使用比 PVRTC 格式更多的内存,但可能更适合没有渐变的 UI 或清晰纹理。256x256 纹理为 128 KB。 |
RGB 24 bit | 真实色彩,但没有 Alpha。256x256 纹理为 192 KB。 |
Alpha 8 bit | 高质量 Alpha 通道,但没有任何颜色。256x256 纹理为 64 KB。 |
RGBA 16 bit | 低质量真实色彩。具有 16 级红色、绿色、蓝色和 Alpha。使用比 PVRTC 格式更多的内存,但如果您需要精确的 Alpha 通道,则适合使用此格式。256x256 纹理为 128 KB。 |
RGBA 32 bit | 真实色彩,并有 Alpha - 这是最高质量的压缩格式。256x256 纹理为 256 KB,此格式的成本较高。大多数情况下,PVRTC 格式以更小的尺寸提供足够的质量。 |
Compression quality | 选择 Fast 可获得最快的性能,选择 Best 可获得最佳图像质量,选择 Normal 可获得这两者之间的平衡。 |