Version: 2021.3
言語: 日本語
UXML 要素 TextElement
UXML 要素 Toggle

UXML 要素 TextField

C# class: TextField
Namespace: UnityEngine.UIElements
Base class: TextInputBaseField_1


The following table lists all the supported attributes.

名前 説明
binding-path string バインドされるべきターゲットプロパティのパス。
content-container string child elements are added to this element, usually this
focusable boolean 要素がフォーカス可能である場合は true。
is-delayed boolean true に設定すると、ユーザーが Enter キーを押すか、テキストフィールドのフォーカスが失われるまで、value プロパティは更新されません。
label string フィールドの横に表示されるラベルを表す文字列。
max-length int フィールドの最大文字数。
multiline boolean テキストフィールドに複数行を許可する場合は true を、そうでない場合は false を設定します。
name string The name of this VisualElement.

Use this property to write USS selectors that target a specific element.
The standard practice is to give an element a unique name.
picking-mode string mouseEvents または IPanel.Pick クエリの間にこの要素を選択 (ピック) できるかどうかを決定します。
style string Reference to the style object of this element.

Contains data computed from USS files or inline styles written to this object in C#.
tabindex int フォーカスリング内でフォーカス可能なものをソートするために使用される整数。0 以上であることが必要です。
text string The value of the input field.
toolbar string Text to display inside an information box after the user hovers the element for a small amount of time.
usage-hints string A combination of hint values that specify high-level intended usage patterns for the VisualElement.
This property can only be set when the VisualElement is not yet part of a Panel. Once part of a Panel, this property becomes effectively read-only, and attempts to change it will throw an exception.
The specification of proper UsageHints drives the system to make better decisions on how to process or accelerate certain operations based on the anticipated usage pattern.
Note that those hints do not affect behavioral or visual results, but only affect the overall performance of the panel and the elements within.
It’s advised to always consider specifying the proper UsageHints, but keep in mind that some UsageHints might be internally ignored under certain conditions (e.g. due to hardware limitations on the target platform).
value string The string currently being exposed by the field.

Note that changing this will not trigger a change event to be sent.
view-data-key string Used for view data persistence (ie. tree expanded states, scroll position, zoom level).

This is the key used to save/load the view data from the view data store. Not setting this key will disable persistence for this VisualElement.

Style the TextField

To see which USS selectors affect the components of the TextField at every level of its hierarchy, use the Matching Selectors section in the Inspector or the UI Toolkit Debugger.

UXML 要素 TextElement
UXML 要素 Toggle