You can disable a Built-in package if you don’t need some modules and you want to save resources. However, when you disable a built-in package, the corresponding Unity functionality is no longer available.
Disabling a built-in package results in the following:
Open the Package Manager window select Built-in packages from the navigation panel.
Select the built-in package you want to disable. Its information appears in the details panel.
Click Disable.
プログレスバーが終了すると、 ビルトインパッケージの横にチェックマークが表示されなくなり、 Disable ボタンが Enable ボタンに変わります。
無効にしたビルトインパッケージを再度有効にするには、Enable ボタンをクリックします。
Note: You can disable multiple built-in packages with one click by using the multiple select feature. For more information, refer Perform an action on multiple packages or feature sets.