Many multiplayer games have a staging area (often known as a “lobby”) for players to join before playing the actual game. In this area, players can pick options and set themselves as ready for the game to start.
The NetworkLobbyManager is a specialized NetworkManager that provides a lobby for Unity Multiplayer games. Its functionality includes the following:
以下は、サーバー上で呼び出される NetworkLobbyManager の仮想関数です。
All of the above server functions have empty default implementations, except for OnLobbyServerPlayersReady
, which calls ServerChangeScene
with the PlayScene.
以下は、クライアント上に呼び出される NetworkLobbyManager 仮想関数です。
There are two kinds of player objects, each of which has a Prefab slot in the NetworkLobbyManager. The slots can be seen in this screenshot:
LobbyPlayer は、プレイヤーがロビーに参加すると LobbyPlayerPrefab から作成されます。
The Minimum Players field represents the minimum number of “Ready” players in the Lobby to start the Match with. If the number of connected clients is more than the “Minimum Players” value, then waiting for all connected clients to become “Ready” starts the Match.
例えば、“Minimum Players” が 2 に設定されている場合、
GamePlayer は、ゲーム開始時に GamePlayerPrefab から作成されます。
NetworkLobbyPlayer コンポーネントは LobbyPlayer オブジェクトに使用されます。カスタムのロビー挙動に使用できる仮想コールバック関数を提供します。
public virtual void OnClientEnterLobby();
public virtual void OnClientExitLobby();
public virtual void OnClientReady(bool readyState);
The function OnClientEnterLobby is called on the client when the game enters the lobby. This happens when the lobby Scene starts for the first time, and also when returning to the lobby from the gameplay Scene.
The function OnClientExitLobby is called on the client when the game exits the lobby. This happens when switching to the gameplay Scene.
該当プレイヤーのレディー状態が変更されると、クライアント上に関数 OnClientReady が呼び出されます。
NetworkLobby のマルチプレイヤーゲームへの追加手順 (マルチプレイヤーロビーアセットパッケージを使用せずに行う方法)
This version of the NetworkLobbyManager uses the OnGUI user interface like the NetworkManagerHUD. For a better user interface, use the multiplayer-lobby Asset package (found in the NetworkStarter sample package, on the Unity forums).
The NetworkLobbyManager has many virtual function callbacks that can be used for custom lobby behaviour. The most important is OnLobbyServerSceneLoadedForPlayer, which is called on the server for each player as they transition from the lobby to the main game. This is the ideal place to apply settings from the lobby to the player object.
// for users to apply settings from their lobby player object to their in-game player object
public override bool OnLobbyServerSceneLoadedForPlayer(GameObject lobbyPlayer, GameObject gamePlayer)
var cc = lobbyPlayer.GetComponent<ColorControl>();
var player = gamePlayer.GetComponent<Player>();
player.myColor = cc.myColor;
return true;
Unity アセットストアに、NetworkLobbyManager を使用してロビー用の GUI を提供するサンプルプロジェクトがあります。ロビーを持ったマルチプレイヤーゲームを制作する出発点として、これを利用することもできます。