Version: 2021.3
언어: 한국어
public Action onEnable ;


Called when the SearchWindow is opened. Allows the search provider to perform some caching.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Search;
using UnityEngine;

static class SearchProviderLights
    static SearchProvider sceneProvider = null;
    static Texture2D lightTexture = EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("Lighting");

    internal static SearchProvider CreateProvider()
        return new SearchProvider("example_lights", "example_Lights")
            filterId = "z:",
            priority = 99999, // put example provider at a low priority
            fetchItems = (context, items, provider) => FetchItems(context, provider),
            showDetailsOptions = ShowDetailsOptions.Inspector,
            toObject = ToObject,
            onEnable = OnEnable,
            onDisable = OnDisable,
            // This provider can be used in the scene and hierarchy contextual search
            isEnabledForContextualSearch = () =>
                IsFocusedWindowTypeName("SceneView") ||

    private static IEnumerable<SearchItem> FetchItems(SearchContext context, SearchProvider provider)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.searchQuery) || sceneProvider == null)
            yield break;

        using (var innerContext = SearchService.CreateContext(sceneProvider, "t:light " + context.searchQuery))
        using (var results = SearchService.Request(innerContext))
            foreach (var r in results)
                if (r != null)
                    yield return provider.CreateItem(context,,
                        r.GetLabel(innerContext, true), r.GetDescription(innerContext, true),
                        lightTexture, null);
                    // ***IMPORTANT***: Make sure to yield so you do not block the main thread waiting for results.
                    yield return null;

    private static void OnEnable()
        sceneProvider = SearchService.GetProvider("scene");

    private static void OnDisable()
        sceneProvider = null;

    private static UnityEngine.Object ToObject(SearchItem item, Type type)
        if (!(EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(int.Parse( is GameObject light))
            return null;

        return light.GetComponent<Light>();

    private static bool IsFocusedWindowTypeName(string focusWindowName)
        return EditorWindow.focusedWindow != null && EditorWindow.focusedWindow.GetType().ToString().EndsWith("." + focusWindowName);

    [MenuItem("Examples/SearchProvider/Show lights")]
    public static void ShowLights()
        // Search for directional lights (lights with "directional" in their name)