Legacy Documentation: Version 5.5
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Script language

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public static float RadiusHandle(Quaternion rotation, Vector3 position, float radius, bool handlesOnly);
public static float RadiusHandle(Quaternion rotation, Vector3 position, float radius);


rotation Orientation of the handle.
position Center of the handle in 3D space.
radius Radius to modify.
handlesOnly Whether to omit the circular outline of the radius and only draw the point handles.


float The new value modified by the user's interaction with the handle. If the user has not moved the handle, it will return the same value as you passed into the function.


Make a Scene view radius handle.

RadiusHandle on the Scene View.

Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize if you want the handle to always remain the same size on the screen.

// Name this script "EffectRadiusEditor"
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

[CustomEditor(typeof(EffectRadius))] public class EffectRadiusEditor : Editor { public void OnSceneGUI() { EffectRadius t = (target as EffectRadius);

EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); float areaOfEffect = Handles.RadiusHandle(Quaternion.identity, t.transform.position, t.areaOfEffect); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObject(target, "Changed Area Of Effect"); t.areaOfEffect = areaOfEffect; } } }

And attach this script to the GameObject:

// Name this script "EffectRadius"
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class EffectRadius : MonoBehaviour {

public float areaOfEffect = 1;
