Represents an Xcode project (pbxproj file).
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Callbacks; using UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode;
public class Sample_PBXProject { [PostProcessBuild] public static void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildTarget buildTarget, string pathToBuiltProject) { // Stop processing if build target is not iOS if (buildTarget != BuildTarget.iOS) return;
// Initialize PBXProject string projectPath = PBXProject.GetPBXProjectPath(pathToBuiltProject); PBXProject pbxProject = new PBXProject(); pbxProject.ReadFromFile(projectPath);
// Perform any modifications you want to the PBXProject
// Get the target GUID string mainTargetGuid = pbxProject.GetUnityMainTargetGuid();
// Add a new build configuration and add a new property to it string configName = "exampleConfig"; pbxProject.AddBuildConfig(configName); string configGuid = pbxProject.BuildConfigByName(mainTargetGuid, configName); pbxProject.AddBuildPropertyForConfig(configGuid, "exampleProperty", "exampleValue");
// Add a new file to project and to build list string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Resources/InputFile.txt"); string fileGuid = pbxProject.AddFile(filePath, "Resources/InputFile.txt"); pbxProject.AddFileToBuild(mainTargetGuid, fileGuid);
// Add frameworks to the project pbxProject.AddFrameworkToProject(mainTargetGuid, "CoreBluetooth.framework", false); pbxProject.AddFrameworkToProject(mainTargetGuid, "MapKit.framework", true);
// Apply changes to the pbxproj file pbxProject.WriteToFile(projectPath); }
unityPostprocessTargetPhonyBuildPhaseName | The name of the placeholder build phase, which Unity adds to indicate a place to add post-processing actions. |
PBXProject | Creates a new instance of PBXProject class. |
AddAssetTagForFile | Adds an asset tag for the given file. |
AddAssetTagToDefaultInstall | Adds the asset tag to the list of tags to download during initial installation. |
AddBuildConfig | Creates a new set of build configurations for all targets in the project. |
AddBuildProperty | Adds a value to the build property list in all the build configurations for the specified target(s). |
AddBuildPropertyForConfig | Adds a value to build property list of the given build configuration(s). |
AddCapability | Adds a target capability to the Xcode project. |
AddCopyFilesBuildPhase | Creates a new Copy Files build phase for a given target. |
AddCopyFilesBuildPhaseBeforeTargetPostprocess | Creates a new Copy Files build phase for a given target. |
AddFile | Adds a new file reference to the list of known files. |
AddFileToBuild | Configure a file to build for the given native target. |
AddFileToBuildSection | Configures file for building for the given native target on specific build section. |
AddFileToBuildWithFlags | Configure a file for building for the given target with specific compiler flags. |
AddFolderReference | Adds a new folder reference to the list of known files. |
AddFrameworksBuildPhase | Creates a new frameworks build phase for given target. |
AddFrameworkToProject | Adds a system framework dependency for the specified target. |
AddHeadersBuildPhase | Creates a new headers build phase for a given target. |
AddKnownRegion | Adds the provided regions to the Xcode Project. |
AddLocaleVariantFile | Adds Locale to Variant Group of Xcode Project for iOS platform. |
AddPublicHeaderToBuild | Configures a file for building for the given native target as a public header. |
AddRemotePackageFrameworkToProject | Adds a remote package framework dependency for the specified target. |
AddRemotePackageReferenceAtBranch | Adds a reference to the remote package at the given branch. |
AddRemotePackageReferenceAtRevision | Adds a reference to the remote package at the given revision. |
AddRemotePackageReferenceAtVersion | Adds a reference to the remote package at the given version. |
AddRemotePackageReferenceAtVersionUpToNextMajor | Adds a reference to the remote package at the given version and allows updates up to the next major version. |
AddRemotePackageReferenceAtVersionUpToNextMinor | Adds a reference to the remote package at the given version and allows updates up to the next minor version. |
AddRemotePackageReferenceWithVersionRange | Adds a reference to the remote package and allows updates in the given version range. |
AddResourcesBuildPhase | Creates a new resources build phase for a given target. |
AddShellScriptBuildPhase | Creates a new copy shell script phase for a given target. |
AddShellScriptBuildPhaseBeforeTargetPostprocess | Creates a new copy shell script phase for a given target. |
AddSourcesBuildPhase | Creates a new sources build phase for a given target. |
AddTarget | Creates a new native target. |
AddTargetDependency | Creates a dependency between this target and another target. The other target may be in a different project. |
BuildConfigByName | Returns the GUID of build configuration with the given name for the specific target. |
BuildConfigNames | Returns the names of the build configurations available in the project. |
ClearKnownRegions | Removes the deprecated regions that get added automatically in Xcode Project. |
ContainsFileByProjectPath | Checks if the project contains a file with the given project path. |
ContainsFileByRealPath | Checks if the project contains a file with the given physical path. |
ContainsFramework | Checks whether the given system framework is a dependency of a target. |
FindFileGuidByProjectPath | Finds a file with the given project path in the project. |
FindFileGuidByRealPath | Finds a file with the given physical path in the project. |
GetAllBuildPhasesForTarget | Returns all build phases for the specified target. |
GetBaseReferenceForConfig | Gets the base configuration reference GUID for the specified build configuration. |
GetBuildPhaseName | Returns the name of the build phase with the specified GUID. |
GetBuildPhaseType | Returns the type of the build phase with the specified GUID. |
GetBuildPropertyForAnyConfig | Gets a build property value for the given name in all the build configurations for the specified target(s). If a property has multiple values, those are delimited by a space. |
GetBuildPropertyForConfig | Gets a build property value for the given name in the specified build configuration(s). If a property has multiple values they are delimited by a space. |
GetCompileFlagsForFile | Returns compile flags set for the specific file on a given target. |
GetCopyFilesBuildPhaseByTarget | Returns the GUID of matching copy files build phase for the given target. |
GetEntitlementFilePathForTarget | Returns the relative path to the entitlement file for the specified build target. |
GetFrameworksBuildPhaseByTarget | Returns the GUID of frameworks build phase for the given target. |
GetHeadersBuildPhaseByTarget | Returns the GUID of the headers build phase for the given target. |
GetRealPathsOfAllFiles | Return a list of all known files. |
GetResourcesBuildPhaseByTarget | Returns the GUID of resources build phase for the given target. |
GetShellScriptBuildPhaseForTarget | Returns the GUID of matching copy shell script build phase for the given target. |
GetSourcesBuildPhaseByTarget | Returns the GUID of sources build phase for the given target. |
GetTargetProductFileRef | Returns the file reference of the artifact created by building target. |
GetUnityFrameworkTargetGuid | Returns the GUID of the framework target in Unity project. |
GetUnityMainTargetGuid | Returns the GUID of the main target in Unity project. |
InsertCopyFilesBuildPhase | Creates a new copy files build phase for a given target. |
InsertShellScriptBuildPhase | Creates a new shell script build phase for a given target. |
ProjectGuid | Returns the GUID of the project. |
ReadFromFile | Reads the project from a file identified by the given path. |
ReadFromStream | Reads the project from the given text reader. |
ReadFromString | Reads the project from the given string. |
RemoveAssetTag | Removes an asset tag. |
RemoveAssetTagForFile | Removes an asset tag for the given file. |
RemoveAssetTagFromDefaultInstall | Removes the asset tag from the list of tags to download during initial installation. |
RemoveBuildConfig | Removes all build configurations with the given name from all targets in the project. |
RemoveFile | Removes the given file from project. |
RemoveFileFromBuild | Removes the given file from the list of files to build for the given target. |
RemoveFrameworkFromProject | Removes a system framework dependency for the specified target. |
ReplaceFile | Replaces a specified file with a new file. |
SetBaseReferenceForConfig | Sets the base configuration reference for the specified build configuration. |
SetBuildProperty | Sets a build property to the given value in all build configurations for the specified target(s). |
SetBuildPropertyForConfig | Sets a build property to the given value in the specified build configuration(s). |
SetCompileFlagsForFile | Sets the compilation flags for the given file in the given target. |
SetDevelopmentRegion | Sets the default language and region for the bundle in Xcode Project. |
SetTeamId | Sets the Team ID of an Xcode project. |
TargetGuidByName | Returns the GUID of the native target with the given name. |
UpdateBuildProperty | Adds and removes values from a build property in all build configurations for the specified target(s). |
UpdateBuildPropertyForConfig | Adds and removes values from a build property in the given build configuration. |
WriteToFile | Writes the project contents to the specified file. |
WriteToStream | Writes the project contents to the specified text writer. |
WriteToString | Writes the contents of the project to string. |
GetPBXProjectPath | Returns the path to PBX project in the given Unity build path. |
GetUnityTestTargetName | Returns the default test target name. |
IsBuildable | Checks if a file with the given extension can be built by Xcode. |
IsKnownExtension | Checks if files with the given extension are known to PBXProject. |