Version: 2017.2


class in UnityEngine


Hereda de:Joint

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The configurable joint is an extremely flexible joint giving you complete control over rotation and linear motion.

You can build all other joints with it and much more but it is also more complicated to setup. It gives you control over motors, drives and joint limits for each rotation axis and and linear degree of freedom.


angularXDriveDefinition of how the joint's rotation will behave around its local X axis. Only used if Rotation Drive Mode is Swing & Twist.
angularXLimitSpringThe configuration of the spring attached to the angular X limit of the joint.
angularXMotionAllow rotation around the X axis to be Free, completely Locked, or Limited according to Low and High Angular XLimit.
angularYLimitBoundary defining rotation restriction, based on delta from original rotation.
angularYMotionAllow rotation around the Y axis to be Free, completely Locked, or Limited according to Angular YLimit.
angularYZDriveDefinition of how the joint's rotation will behave around its local Y and Z axes. Only used if Rotation Drive Mode is Swing & Twist.
angularYZLimitSpringThe configuration of the spring attached to the angular Y and angular Z limits of the joint.
angularZLimitBoundary defining rotation restriction, based on delta from original rotation.
angularZMotionAllow rotation around the Z axis to be Free, completely Locked, or Limited according to Angular ZLimit.
configuredInWorldSpaceIf enabled, all Target values will be calculated in world space instead of the object's local space.
highAngularXLimitDefinición de límite de restricción de rotación superior, basado en el delta de la rotación inicial.
linearLimitBoundary defining movement restriction, based on distance from the joint's origin.
linearLimitSpringThe configuration of the spring attached to the linear limit of the joint.
lowAngularXLimitBoundary defining lower rotation restriction, based on delta from original rotation.
projectionAngleSet the angular tolerance threshold (in degrees) for projection.If the joint deviates by more than this angle around its locked angular degrees of freedom, the solver will move the bodies to close the angle.Setting a very small tolerance may result in simulation jitter or other artifacts.Sometimes it is not possible to project (for example when the joints form a cycle).
projectionDistanceSet the linear tolerance threshold for projection.If the joint separates by more than this distance along its locked degrees of freedom, the solver will move the bodies to close the distance.Setting a very small tolerance may result in simulation jitter or other artifacts.Sometimes it is not possible to project (for example when the joints form a cycle).
projectionModeBrings violated constraints back into alignment even when the solver fails. Projection is not a physical process and does not preserve momentum or respect collision geometry. It is best avoided if practical, but can be useful in improving simulation quality where joint separation results in unacceptable artifacts.
rotationDriveModeControl the object's rotation with either X & YZ or Slerp Drive by itself.
secondaryAxisThe joint's secondary axis.
slerpDriveDefinition of how the joint's rotation will behave around all local axes. Only used if Rotation Drive Mode is Slerp Only.
swapBodiesIf enabled, the two connected rigidbodies will be swapped, as if the joint was attached to the other body.
targetAngularVelocityThis is a Vector3. It defines the desired angular velocity that the joint should rotate into.
targetPositionThe desired position that the joint should move into.
targetRotationThis is a Quaternion. It defines the desired rotation that the joint should rotate into.
targetVelocityThe desired velocity that the joint should move along.
xDriveDefinition of how the joint's movement will behave along its local X axis.
xMotionAllow movement along the X axis to be Free, completely Locked, or Limited according to Linear Limit.
yDriveDefinition of how the joint's movement will behave along its local Y axis.
yMotionAllow movement along the Y axis to be Free, completely Locked, or Limited according to Linear Limit.
zDriveDefinition of how the joint's movement will behave along its local Z axis.
zMotionAllow movement along the Z axis to be Free, completely Locked, or Limited according to Linear Limit.

Miembros heredados


gameObjectEl game object que tiene este componente adjunto. Un componente siempre está adjunto a un game object.
tagEl tag de este game object.
transformThe Transform attached to this GameObject.
anchorLa Posición del punto de anclaje alrededor del cual el movimiento de la articulación está restringida.
autoConfigureConnectedAnchor¿Debería la propiedad connectedAnchor ser calculada automáticamente?
axisLa dirección de los ejes alrededor del cual el cuerpo está restringido.
breakForceLa fuerza que necesita ser aplicada a esta articulación para que se rompa.
breakTorqueEl torque que necesita ser aplicado a esta articulación para que rompa.
connectedAnchorPosición de anclaje relativo al Rigidbody conectado.
connectedBodyUna referencia a otro rigidbody al que esta articulación se conecta.
connectedMassScaleThe scale to apply to the inverse mass and inertia tensor of the connected body prior to solving the constraints.
currentForceThe force applied by the solver to satisfy all constraints.
currentTorqueThe torque applied by the solver to satisfy all constraints.
enableCollisionHabilita la colisión entre cuerpos conectados con el joint.
enablePreprocessingToggle (activa/desactiva) el pre-procesamiento para este joint.
massScaleThe scale to apply to the inverse mass and inertia tensor of the body prior to solving the constraints.
hideFlags¿Debería el objeto estar oculto, guardado con la escena o modificable por el usuario?
nameEl nombre del objeto.

Funciones Públicas

BroadcastMessageLlama al método denominado methodName de todos los MonoBehaviour en este game objecto en cualquiera de sus hijos.
CompareTag¿Este game object está etiquetado con tag?
GetComponentDevuelve un componente de tipo type si el game object tiene a alguno adjuntado, o null si no lo tiene.
GetComponentInChildrenRetorna el componente de tipo type en el GameObject o cualquiera de sus hijos utilizando depth first search (busqueda de profundidad).
GetComponentInParentRetorna el componente de tipo type en el GameObject o cualquiera de sus padres.
GetComponentsRetorna todos los componentes de tipo type en el GameObject.
GetComponentsInChildrenRetorna todos los componentes de tipo type en el GameObject o cualquiera de sus hijo.
GetComponentsInParentRetorna todos los componentes de tipo type en el GameObject o cualquiera de sus padres.
SendMessageLlama al método denominado methodName en cada MonoBehaviour de este game object.
SendMessageUpwardsLlama al método denominado methodName en todos los MonoBehaviour de este juego y en todos los ancestros del behaviour.
GetInstanceIDDevuelve el id de la instancia del objeto.
ToStringDevuelve el nombre del objeto.

Funciones Estáticas

DestroyElimina un gameobject, componente o asset.
DestroyImmediateDestroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.
DontDestroyOnLoadHace que el objeto target no sea destruido automáticamente cuando se cargue una nueva escena.
FindObjectOfTypeDevuelve el primer objeto activo cargado de tipo type.
FindObjectsOfTypeDevuelve una lista de todos los objetos activos cargados de tipo type.
InstantiateClona el objeto original y devuelve el clon.


bool¿Existe el objeto?
operator !=Compare si dos objetos se refieren a un objeto diferente.
operator ==Compara dos referencias de objeto para ver si se refieren al mismo objeto.


OnJointBreakLlamado cuando un joint adjuntado al mismo game object se rompe.