Version: 5.6


class in UnityEditor


Hereda de:AssetImporter

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Audio importer lets you modify AudioClip import settings from editor scripts.

Settings of this class match the ones exposed in Audio Import Settings.


defaultSampleSettingsThe default sample settings for the AudioClip importer.
forceToMonoForce this clip to mono?
loadInBackgroundCorresponding to the "Load In Background" flag in the AudioClip inspector, when this flag is set, the loading of the clip will happen delayed without blocking the main thread.
preloadAudioDataPrecarga los datos de audio del clip cuando el asset del clip se carga. Cuando esta bandera está apagada (off), los scripts tienen que llamara a AudioClip.LoadAudioData() para cargar los datos antes de que el clip se reproduzca. Las propiedades como el largo (lenght), los canales (channels) y el formato (format) estarán disponibles antes de que los datos se carguen.

Funciones Públicas

ClearSampleSettingOverrideClears the sample settings override for the given platform.
ContainsSampleSettingsOverrideReturns whether a given build target has its sample settings currently overridden.
GetOverrideSampleSettingsReturn the current override settings for the given platform.
SetOverrideSampleSettingsSets the override sample settings for the given platform.

Miembros heredados


assetBundleNameGet or set the AssetBundle name.
assetBundleVariantGet or set the AssetBundle variant.
assetPathThe path name of the asset for this importer. (Read Only)
userDataGet or set any user data.

Funciones Públicas

SaveAndReimportSave asset importer settings if asset importer is dirty.
SetAssetBundleNameAndVariantSet the AssetBundle name and variant.

Funciones Estáticas

GetAtPathRetrieves the asset importer for the asset at path.