Version: 2021.3
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEditor





PlayerSettings では Unity で最終的にビルドするゲームについてのさまざまなパラメータを定義します。ここで設定する値のいくつかはスタンドアロンゲーム実行時の解像度ダイアログに使用されます。

Static 変数

actionOnDotNetUnhandledException.NET の UnhandledException によるクラッシュ時の挙動を設定します。
allowFullscreenSwitch有効にすると、ユーザーが OS 固有のキーボードショートカットを使用してフルスクリーンとウィンドウモードを切り替えられるようになります。
allowUnsafeCodeAllow 'unsafe' C# code code to be compiled for predefined assemblies.
aotOptions追加の AOT コンパイルオプションです。 AOT プラットフォームで共有されます。
applicationIdentifierThe application identifier for the currently selected build target.
assemblyVersionValidationSet to true to exact version matching for strong named assemblies.
bundleVersioniOS と Android プラットフォームで共有される、アプリケーションのバンドルバージョン
cursorHotspotDefault cursor's click position in pixels from the top left corner of the cursor image.
D3DHDRBitDepthThe number of bits in each color channel for swap chain buffers. (Direct3D 11 and Direct3D 12 mode).
defaultCursorThe default cursor for your application.
defaultWebScreenHeightWeb プレイヤーウィンドウのデフォルト縦向きサイズ
defaultWebScreenWidthWeb プレイヤーウィンドウのデフォルト横向きサイズ
enable360StereoCaptureEnable 360 Stereo Capture support on the current build target.
enableCrashReportAPICrashReport API を有効にします。
enableFrameTimingStatsEnable frame timing statistics.
enableMetalAPIValidationEnables Metal API validation in the Editor.
enableOpenGLProfilerGPURecordersEnable ProfilerRecorder usage to record GPU timings when rendering with OpenGL.
fullScreenModePlatform agnostic setting to define fullscreen behavior. Not all platforms support all modes.
gcIncrementalAllows you to enable or disable incremental mode for garbage collection.
gpuSkinning使用できるプラットフォーム上で、 GPU スキニングを有効にします。
graphicsJobModeSelects the graphics job mode to use on platforms that support both Native and Legacy graphics jobs.
keyaliasPassAndroid アプリケーションを署名するのに使用される鍵のパスワード
keystorePassAndroid Keystore と相互干渉するパスワード
legacyClampBlendShapeWeightsDefines whether the BlendShape weight range in SkinnedMeshRenderers is clamped.
logObjCUncaughtExceptionsObjC の UncaughtException をログ出力するか。
macRetinaSupportEnable Retina support for macOS.
mipStrippingEnable mip stripping for all platforms.
muteOtherAudioSourcesStops or allows audio from other applications to play in the background while your Unity application is running.
openGLRequireES31Specifies whether the application requires OpenGL ES 3.1 support.
openGLRequireES31AEPSpecifies whether the application requires OpenGL ES 3.1 AEP support.
openGLRequireES32Specifies whether the application requires OpenGL ES 3.2 support.
preserveFramebufferAlphaWhen enabled, preserves the alpha value in the framebuffer to support rendering over native UI on Android.
resetResolutionOnWindowResizeIndicates whether to reset the application's screen resolution when the native window size changes.
statusBarHiddenReturns if status bar should be hidden. Supported on iOS only; on Android, the status bar is always hidden.
stereoRenderingPathActive stereo rendering path
stripEngineCodeビルドから使用されていないエンジンコードを削除します(IL2CPP のみ)。
stripUnusedMeshComponents使用されていない Mesh コンポーネントをゲームビルドから削除するか。
suppressCommonWarningsSuppresses common C# warnings.
use32BitDisplayBuffer32 ビット Display Buffer を使用します。
useAnimatedAutorotationデバイスの向きの変更に合わせて OS がスクリーンを自動回転させます。
useFlipModelSwapchainUse DXGI flip model swap chain for D3D11.
useHDRDisplaySwitch display to HDR mode (if available).
useMacAppStoreValidationMac の Apple Store 用にバリデーションの受領を有効にする。
virtualRealitySplashScreenVirtual Reality 特有のスプラッシュスクリーン
visibleInBackgroundWindows で Fullscreen Windowed モードが使用されている場合、アプリケーションをバックグラウンドで表示します。
vulkanEnableLateAcquireNextImageDelays acquiring the swapchain image until after the frame is rendered.
vulkanEnablePreTransformApplies the display rotation during rendering.
vulkanEnableSetSRGBWriteEnables Graphics.SetSRGBWrite() on Vulkan renderer.
vulkanNumSwapchainBuffersSet number of swapchain buffers to be used with Vulkan renderer

Static 関数

GetAdditionalCompilerArgumentsGets an array of additional compiler arguments set for a specific NamedBuildTarget.
GetAdditionalCompilerArgumentsForGroupBuildTargetGroup is marked for deprecation in the future. Use PlayerSettings.GetAdditionalCompilerArguments instead.
GetAdditionalIl2CppArgsObtain the additional arguments passed to the IL2CPP compiler during the player build process.
GetApiCompatibilityLevelGets .NET API compatibility level for specified build target.
GetApplicationIdentifierGet the application identifier for the specified platform.
GetArchitectureGets the architecture for the given build target.
GetDefaultScriptingBackendReturns the default ScriptingImplementation for the build target you select.
GetGraphicsAPIsビルドプラットフォームで使用されるグラフィックス API を取得します。
GetIconsReturns the list of assigned icons for the specified build target.
GetIconsForTargetGroupBuildTargetGroup is marked for deprecation in the future. Use PlayerSettings.GetIcons instead.
GetIconSizesForTargetGroupBuildTargetGroup is marked for deprecation in the future. Use PlayerSettings.GetIconSizes instead.
GetIl2CppCompilerConfigurationGets compiler configuration used when compiling generated C++ code for the build target you specify.
GetIncrementalIl2CppBuildGets the value of incremental il2cpp build option.
GetManagedStrippingLevelGets the managed code stripping level set for the build target you select
GetMobileMTRenderingCheck if multithreaded rendering option for mobile platform is enabled.
GetNormalMapEncodingGets the NormalMapEncoding for the build target you select.
GetPlatformIconsGets the list of available icon slots for the specified build target and kind.
GetPreloadedAssetsReturns the assets that will be loaded at start up in the player and be kept alive until the player terminates.
GetScriptingBackendGets the scripting framework for the build target you select.
GetScriptingDefineSymbolsGets the user-specified symbols for script compilation for the build target you select.
GetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroupBuildTargetGroup is marked for deprecation in the future. Use PlayerSettings.GetScriptingDefineSymbols instead.
GetShaderPrecisionModelGets the active shader precision model.
GetStackTraceLogTypeGets stack trace logging options.
GetSupportedIconKindsRetrieves all icon kinds that the specified build target supports
GetSupportedIconKindsForPlatformBuildTargetGroup is marked for deprecation in the future. Use PlayerSettings.GetSupportedIconKinds instead.
GetTemplateCustomValueReturns a value of a custom template variable.
GetUseDefaultGraphicsAPIsビルドプラットフォームが自動グラフィック API 選択を使用するか
GetVirtualTexturingSupportEnabledIs virtual texturing enabled.
SetAdditionalCompilerArgumentsSets additional compiler arguments for a build target.
SetAdditionalCompilerArgumentsForGroupBuildTargetGroup is marked for deprecation in the future. Use PlayerSettings.SetAdditionalCompilerArguments instead.
SetAdditionalIl2CppArgsSet additional arguments passed to the IL2CPP compiler during the build process.
SetApiCompatibilityLevelSets .NET API compatibility level for specified build target.
SetApplicationIdentifierSet the application identifier for the specified platform.
SetArchitectureSets the architecture for the given build target.
SetGraphicsAPIsSets the graphics APIs used on a build platform.
SetIconsAssigns a list of icons for the specified platform.
SetIconsForTargetGroupBuildTargetGroup is marked for deprecation in the future. Use PlayerSettings.SetIcons instead.
SetIl2CppCompilerConfigurationSets compiler configuration used when compiling generated C++ code for a particular build target.
SetIncrementalIl2CppBuildSets incremental build flag.
SetManagedStrippingLevelSets the managed code stripping level for specified build target.
SetMobileMTRenderingEnable or disable multithreaded rendering option for mobile platform.
SetNormalMapEncodingSets the normal map encoding for the given build target.
SetPlatformIconsAssign a list of icons for the specified platform and icon kind.
SetPreloadedAssetsAssigns the assets that will be loaded at start up in the player and be kept alive until the player terminates.
SetScriptingBackendSets the scripting framework for a given build target.
SetScriptingDefineSymbolsSet user-specified symbols for script compilation for the given build target.
SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroupBuildTargetGroup is marked for deprecation in the future. Use PlayerSettings.SetScriptingDefineSymbols instead.
SetShaderPrecisionModelSets the shader precision model.
SetStackTraceLogTypeSet stack trace logging options. Note: calling this function will implicitly call Application.SetStackTraceLogType.
SetTemplateCustomValueSets a value of a custom template variable.
SetUseDefaultGraphicsAPIsビルドプラットフォームが自動グラフィック API 選択を使用するか。
SetVirtualTexturingSupportEnabledEnable virtual texturing.



hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user?

Public 関数

GetInstanceIDGets the instance ID of the object.
ToStringReturns the name of the object.

Static 関数

DestroyRemoves a GameObject, component or asset.
DestroyImmediateDestroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.
DontDestroyOnLoadDo not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene.
FindObjectOfTypeタイプ type から最初に見つけたアクティブのオブジェクトを返します
FindObjectsOfTypeGets a list of all loaded objects of Type type.
Instantiateoriginal のオブジェクトをクローンします


operator !=二つのオブジェクトが異なるオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します
operator ==2つのオブジェクト参照が同じオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します。