class in UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView
다음으로부터 상속:Experimental.GraphView.GraphElement
인터페이스 구현:IEventHandler, IExperimentalFeatures, IResizable, IResolvedStyle, ISelectable, ITransform, ITransitionAnimations, IVisualElementScheduler
Instantiates a [GraphElement] used for comment text.
defaultSize | The default size of the [StickyNote]. |
contents | The textual content of the [StickyNote]. |
fontSize | The font size of the [StickyNote]. |
theme | The visual theme of the [StickyNote]. |
title | The title of the [StickyNote]. |
StickyNote | Constructor for [StickyNote]. |
BuildContextualMenu | Builds the [StickyNote] contextual menu. |
FitText | Resizes the [StickyNote] so that its textual content is visible. |
GetPosition | Gets the position of the [StickyNote]. |
OnResized | Called when the [StickyNote] is about to be resized. |
OnStartResize | Called when the [StickyNote] will be resized. |
SetPosition | Sets the position of the [StickyNote]. |
capabilities | The GraphElement's capabilities. |
elementTypeColor | The color used for the MiniMap view. |
layer | The GraphElement's layer in the graph. |
selected | True if the GraphElement is currently selected. |
showInMiniMap | Whether the element is shown in the minimap. |
title | The GraphElement's title. |
GetGlobalCenter | Get the GraphElement's center point. |
HitTest | See if point is over the GraphElement. |
IsAscendable | Checks if the GraphElement is automatically brought to front when selected. |
IsCopiable | Checks whether the GraphElement is copiable. |
IsDroppable | The GraphElement is drag&droppable. |
IsGroupable | Checks whether the GraphElement is groupable. |
IsMovable | The GraphElement is movable. |
IsRenamable | The GraphElement is renamable. |
IsResizable | The GraphElement is resizable. |
IsSelectable | The GraphElement is selectable. |
IsSelected | The GraphElement is currently selected in specific container. |
IsSnappable | Checks whether the GraphElement is snappable. |
IsStackable | Checks whether the GraphElement is stackable. |
OnSelected | Called when the GraphElement is selected. |
OnUnselected | Called when the GraphElement is unselected. |
ResetLayer | Reset the GraphElement to its original layer. |
Select | Select the GraphElement. |
Unselect | Deselect the GraphElement. |
OnCustomStyleResolved | Called when the custom style properties are resolved. |
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